The Best Free SEO Tools You Need For Your Site

If you reached this page you probably heard how important Seo ranking is, right? You probably looked at a few posts and got so confused over the techy words and the long boring drawn out posts. I’m not going to do that to you. I’m going to cut right to the chase and tell you what you need. It’s up to you to use it. So let’s get to ‘The Best Free SEO Tools You Need For Your Site.’

What is SEO? And Why Is It Important?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. I know borrring. But let me simplify it. It is the process of optimizing your site. What is optimizing? Optimizing is when you use the top keywords to rank on Google or other search engines.

For example, if you want to write about dinners to make for your family. You would use a keyword tool to type in that keyword, “family dinners.” It may tell you that a lot of people is looking for that. So, you would want to try something more specific like ‘easy family dinners’ or ‘cheap family dinners.’

So to the fun part of why SEO is so important. If you rank high on SEO that means when someone goes to search for a topic if you have ranked high using those high ranking keywords. They will click on your post or article, giving you more page views. Which gives you more money if you have ads on your page. By having visitors view your page that gives you a chance to advertise your products or affiliates. If you want to check your keyword ranking before making a post use this tool.

So more SEO equals more Money Honey!!

seo tools

Related Post: What is Seo and How it works

Seo ranking is very important because it will help gain traffic to your site. If you don’t use the right keywords that people are looking for. They won’t discover your post.

Ranking Factors For Search Engines?

What key factors are ranked to determine if your site will be featured on the first page of Google? (That’s the goal!!) . There are six components that search engines will tune your site for.

If you have these six components down pat your sure to reach the first page of Google. If you want some guidance or to get your site SEO ranked check out my services.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is understanding and knowing what your audience is looking for. When I first started blogging I would just write what I thought people would want to read about. (Big Mistake) And sometimes I would just write to write like this post on Baked Ziti. Yes, I loved it and many others did too. But was this a high ranking thing that was “trending” on search engines? No!

Honestly, I thought that keyword research was completely unnecessary and a time-waster. Well, when I realized I wasn’t getting that much traffic this was why. In writing, you have to give people what they want. Ironically, I wasted time writing posts that weren’t trending. Hey, you live and you learn.

Tip: You can write posts here and there that are not trending for example if you want to write about your recent vacation. But just know that will not rank high unless you flip it to benefit the reader. So if you want to write about your trip but rank high in SEO you can use the title, “10 Places To Visit When Vacationing in California”.

Related Post: SEO for beginners

Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is how much you use the keyword or keyword phrase throughout your post so the search engines can know what your post has true relevance to the keyword topic. It’s a way to say, ‘hey I’m here , yup right over here that’s me I got what your looking for.'(keywords that is lol).

I’m not saying to spam your site with your keyword/keyword phrase. Let it naturally flow. Sprinkle that ishh in your first paragraph at least twice. Dabble it naturally through the paragraphs. And finesse it into those headlines.

So, if I have a keyword phrase of “back to school supplies” this is where this should go:

  1. The images (alt, the description, the title)
  2. The headlines- Examples- Back to school supplies, school supplies that are needed, Supplies that you will want (okay you get the point? You don’t have to use the full phrase in each headline but at least one of the keywords. And you don’t have to do this with each headline. So, if you have 10 headlines only 4 minimum will get your SEO ranking by higher by using keywords in them.
  3. Meta Description- You have to use keywords here. It’s no way around this. This is the bread and butter baby. This is when you search something dozens of articles pop up and under each article title, it has the description of the article. Let me point out another aha moment. You know when you search for something and the articles that pop up have bold words in the description? And those bold words match the words you searched for right? That’s keywords. Download the plugin Yoast SEO which is a free tool that will catch all of this before you even publish your post.

Check out this FREE book on How To SEO in 2019 (Best Seller)

seo tools


Readability is how easy your blog post is to read. Do you have a lot of grammatical errors? How about long run-on sentences? Do you have headlines that separate each idea of your post? Things like that is what search engines look for when they rank your post. I read a great tip that always stuck with me since reading it. To rank high on Google or any other search engine you should aim for 2,000 words to a 3,000-word post. This post is about 2,500 words.

Site Structure

Site structure is how well a reader and the search engines can navigate through your site. Your main menu navigation should be clear and easy for someone to find what they want. I haven’t seen many but I have seen some cringe-worthy navigation menus that made me feel like Nemo. Umm hello? Can you help me? Right. So, make sure that’s easy and user-friendly.

More key elements to site structure is making categories again to make it easy to find. Tags is another one. Internal linking and cornerstone content is all ways to alert search engines that this is a user-friendly site so recommend my post.


Backlinks are when other people link back to your post. For beginners, this is when someone shares your post on Facebook or Pinterest. The more shares the more reputable you are showing Google you are. A lot of Facebook Blogging Groups do backlink posts(threads) where you drop your link and someone will use it. But do not exchange backlinks with the same person that you used URL. Google sees this as cheating and it will diminish your SEO.

Technical SEO

This the technical part of it all. Google needs to be able to recommend you and know that your site is going to give the user a great experience. This is what you need to do to ensure this is good to go. Make sure your site speed is fast enough. I use GTMetrix for this. It’s a free tool that tells your speed and what you need to do to speed it up.

How Can I Rank High Using SEO?

There are different aspects to ranking on SEO optimization the main ones are Keywords, Images and Speed. These plugins will help with all that. You will be a SEO pro in no time.

Free SEO Tool For Keywords


First, you will need a keyword searching tool. This tool is a site where you will go to. Before you write a post or ad you will type the idea(keyword) into the box. If you use this great tool name Semrush it will tell you how likely someone is to look for a post using this keyword.

It will also give you suggestions on other keywords you can use that is closely related to your searched keyword. This whole site will help optimize your site but using SEO rankings that will help to also give your site speed.

I used so many keyword tools just to find that they just gave me just that. Just the ranking of my keyword and a few suggestions. With Semrush site they do so much more. This is also some of the sights key features:

Try A Free Trial With Semrush With This Link

Domain Analytics– It is like a Google Analytics in simpler form. It tells you how many keywords your whole site has. How many people have linked their blog post back to yours and more.

Marketing Calendar– Create all your content with reminders on a simple easy calendar visual.

Keyword Analytics– This is where the magic happens. It’s a keyword finder. Gives you suggestions. And More!!

Topic Research– It does just that. This tool helps you to look for a topic based on SEO rankings that’s on search engines.

The list goes on with a SEO writting Asssistant, a lead generation tool and more. But I promised not to go on and on. So check it out for your self.

You need to sign up with Semrush if you want to not waste your time making posts or ads that people won’t see because they don’t rank high or at all on the search engine.

Image Optimization

Oh my gosh. How I so hate optimizing period. But thats why I love these plugins that just makes it so easier. It does the hard work for me. Here are a few that I tried and they did wonders. Optimizing images is basically just making them smaller.

Related Post: Make Money Making Posts

The larger the file the longer it takes for your site to load. And who wants to wait for a site to load. Not me. I’m hittting that exit button with the quickness. So check out these easy image optimizing free seo tools:

I used all three of these and they all have worked for my page and it’s speed.

You can check out your page speed for free at GTMetrix. It will tell you what you site ranks. All of these plugins above will help improve your rating.


Your speed is everything. Imagine going to a site and its just like the energizing battery loading and loading and loading and loading. Lol. Yeah so let’s fix your speed with one of these plugins:

Want to gain more followers with a cute rare beauty. Grab a free trial with Milotree with this link.

Congrats on getting your SEO ranking high. Connect with me on any social platform or comment below if you need help with SEO.

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    1. I love comments like this Katie. This is what I do. I try to make everything easy and understanding. Because first starting out that’s what I needed and honestly I had to cut through the fluff of getting the real answers. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Nicole posts like this make me sooo happy. I know that my post has helped to break things down at least for one person. Because starting out all of that tech talk really scared me away from SEO. And that prolonged me from really getting the traffic I needed.

  1. These are such fantastic tools and tips, thank you! Even someone like myself who has been in the industry for a long time can do with a refresher like this and there were even some things I’d never heard of!

    1. Oh wow thank you Shannon. That means alot to have someone seasoned in the industry to approve your work. Thank You!

  2. I am struggling with SEO right now. It feels like there is always something I forget to do. Thanks for the great reminders to help keep us on track!

  3. Awesome post! I’ve been working on SEO as I launched my website recently. SEO can be super intense if you are just getting started, so this broke it down quite nicely. I like that you have a guide there to help people!

  4. A great thorough article on SEO. I’m glad you added Link building in your list, I’ve seen lists without it to entice people that SEO is not as bad as it sounds (some people fear to talk to others to build links, but it has to be done). Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂

  5. SEO is so important for long term traffic and as you’ve shown it’s more than getting a green light in Yoast. Thanks for the tips. I learned something new that I’ll be implementing today.

  6. SEO can be so confusing and overwhelming but you made it clear and easy to understand. Thank you! I will be taking all your advice and applying it to my new blog.

  7. I really need to start focusing on SEO. I’ve been hopeful that if I focus on social media it will be enough, but if I focus on SEO maybe it will also improve my shares! Thanks for the information.

    1. This post is fantastic and so easy to understand. Really I needed to see this today so I will follow your tips and refer back when I need to. Thanks so much for breaking this down so easily xx

  8. OMG. This is the best explained SEO article I have read. Thank you! SEO is so confusing and has been something holding me back for a long time. Thanks for helping me better understand why keywords are important and where I should be putting them. I have free yoast but even with that it can be hard to know what to write about that will improve myself in the eyes of google! 🙂

    1. Aww you’re so awesome. Thank you for letting me know how this has helped you so much. It gives me an insight on what you all what to hear. Make sure you come back for more posts that will make your blogging journey easier.

  9. I have never tried Semrush before – it sounds like I have been missing out! I can’t wait to try it!

    1. Great post! Thanks for breaking it down for the newbies like me! Hvlaving a better understanding of SEO will have a direct impact on my success as a blogger!

  10. SEO is the foundation of successful blogs and you have provided excellent information in your post regarding that. Setting the groundwork for successful online business relies highly on SEO and I am sure many new bloggers can benefit from this information.

    1. Wow thanks Nadia. It really is. Once I SEO my site everything increased because I was able to rank higher and become more visible. I’m glad that I was able to deliver in this post. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Thank you, Nadia. Search engine optimization has increased my blog traffic so much.I love Pinterest for traffic as it still brings in half of my traffic. But once I implemented the right SEO tools my SEO score increased tremendously.

  11. SEO is definitely important when it comes to blogging! I’m still trying to learn more about SEO and keyword research, it’s definitely difficult to get your blog noticed when you first start out, so thank you for your tips!

    1. Your very welcome Imane. I know the struggle of getting traffic to your site first starting out. Will you share your site address and what it’s about so my readers and I can check you out?

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