Why You Should Not Use Facebook For Marketing

If you are an entrepreneur, you have already dabbled in the world of marketing. Marketing is when you are promoting your business to different platforms and networking with potential leads in the process. Almost all people use Facebook. So, that is the perfect place to market (promote) your business, right? Wrong. And I am going to tell you exactly why.

Why Do People Use Facebook To Promote Their Business?

As stated briefly above Facebook is the to-go-to for most people. There are a lot of people that use Facebook to look for answers to their money problems. How do they do this? Well, first they search for online groups that deal with making money online.

Mistake #1 (The Wrong Facebook Groups)

Just starting out I joined sooo many groups that had anything to do with promote your business or making money online. My intentions in joining these groups were not to find work. But to wheel in these people in to joining my team or viewing my page.

Oh, boy was I wrong. So this was the thing. I thought okay, this group has over 50k members. I will post my offer or my page and people will come flocking to my page or my inbox. Realistically, I thought I would get at least 3 sign-ups or sales a day.

Why Were These Groups So Wrong?

  1. Demographics- I have readers from all over the world. (P.s. Thank you all so much) But in these groups, it could be a clash, because there are many people from another country that is looking to sign up with you, but some of your affiliate programs only accept USA sign-ups. So this is one waste of a time
  2. Visibility- After months of posting to these groups day, afternoon and night, I realized something. There are thousands of people with the same motive as me(to make a sale). So they are doing the same thing posting their marketing pitch or links. And then my links and posts would get lost in the sauce. Whomp, Whomp. So on the other end people that are coming to these groups to actually find a way to make money online. They will not more than likely scroll down past maybe 30 other posts to and stumble across your post from 3 hours ago. You get it? It’s a needle in the haystack.
  3. Trust- Unfortunately, these groups have also become the playground for hackers and scammers. So, even though you really want to offer a legitimate service to members of this group. The scammers and hackers have turned a once trustworthy customer into a skeptical critic. This makes it harder for you to gain their trust. Especially, since its all online.

Mistake #2 (Facebook Jail)

I think we all have been locked out of Facebook before for doing things unintentionally.

Here are a couple of things that can get someone in Facebook Jail:

  • Sharing the same content too many times
  • Sharing different content too many times in a small time frame (of minutes)
  • Dropping links that may seem spammy
  • Adding your own links to groups (I’m going to tell you where this is allowed. Keep reading for this secret)

Back to my early blogging days. My marketing strategy was like this. Join as many online business groups. I had joined about 90!! And I would write scripts with my links and copy and paste to each group each morning. That took about 20 minutes.

This strategy was such a complete waste of time. I was playing with my Facebook freedom,unintentionally. And I was getting really no freakin’ leads!! I was posting in all the wrong groups, the whole damn time.

Then, after doing all of that. I was flagged because Facebook thought I was a robot. Because I was going so fast. I’m like to catch up on Facebook. There is a thing called copy and paste. And there is a thing called being a superhero blogging momma. You know making all your postings in the morning quickly before the kids wake up for school. I then had to wait almost a month, before I was able to post in these groups.

Using Facebook Marketing The Right Way

Now, yes I had to give you all the bad about Facebook. Because girl, I don’t want you wasting your precious time as I did. Learn from my mistakes, so you can cut out that time and zoom right past them.

Facebook is a goldmine for marketing and blog traffic.

Don’t be discouraged by the previous warnings. Every platform has the potential for you to be banned from using their platform if used the wrong way. So even though it may be some boring research to look up each site you market to. It’s better safe than sorry.

Keep reading to know how you can drive MASSIVE TRAFFIC using Facebook.

Benefit #1 (The Right Groups)

Joining the right groups will get you the targeted traffic you need. If you’re rolling your eyes at the screen saying ‘ugh, here is that targeted traffic or audience crap again.’

I get it. Been there done that. So, no offense taken.

Basically, this is a must. You see when you promote or market your business to a targeted audience that means they will be more interested in your product or blog posts.

What Is a Targeted Audience?

This is a group of people that have interests in your niche. For example, for travel bloggers, you don’t want to join a group for makeup artists. You also would not want to join a broad group that is not targeted.

Make sure the groups you join have the interest of what your business is.

Wait, I Have Something For You

Now, I promote my business to a targeted audience. A handful of groups that have these things called “threads”. They are promotions that are ran daily.

For example:

Monday- Social Media Monday You will grow any social media account you are trying to increase followers on

Tuesday-Blog Share Tuesday. You would share your current blog posts. This is increasing your views.

Wednesday- Share a Pinterest Post

and so on…

That was just an example. But these groups have gotten me to increase my followers, comments, shares, and views by 500% instantly. Why? Because it is bloggers just like you that are supporting one another. Exchanging love daily on the threads.

Are you already apart of some groups like this? Add some more to your list. The more the merrier. Literally!

Fill out your name and email below and I will send you over all the groups that I am in. These groups are targeted for all audiences, but this doesn’t backfire on you. Because once you participate in a thread all others are required to complete that exchange for you that day and vice versa.

P.s. Also, get the name of this other tool that I use to pull in followers on autopilot. Get that all to your email for free. Like now.

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  1. I totally agree that facebook groups can be your biggest tool or your worst nightmare. I found that out the hard way as well. I finally have found some great groups and my blog traffic and interactions are growing.

    1. Yes, they really can make or break you. Thanks for your feedback. And I am so glad that your blog is growing and thriving.

  2. I don’t know that I would say that people shouldn’t use Facebook and Facebook groups for marketing, but I think people should be more intentional about it. It’s a great way to network with other bloggers (although you should limit yourself to how many groups you engage in based on the time you have for networking) BUT there’s also the wide multitude of groups that you can get involved with that aren’t geared to bloggers at all! For example, I have been actively engaged in a few camping and hiking groups as an outdoor travel blogger and it provides me with the chance to get my content in front of my target audience. Don’t be spammy but, for example, if someone asks for advice about one of the Ontario Parks that I’ve reviewed, I’ll offer a few short words about my thoughts and add ‘Actually, I reviewed it here’. It’s really helped me to connect with the right people.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Britt. If you thoroughly read this article, it is not saying not to use Facebook. Like you said I am saying there is a way to use it.
      Yes a quick run down would be:
      Not to be spammy in the groups as you mentioned.
      And not to go overboard
      Also knowing your target audience.

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