10 Skin Beauty Hacks to Get Clear Skin In 2 weeks

Everyone wants clear skin. Your face is the first thing that a person notices when they see you. So of course, you fret every time a huge pimple ‘pops’ up. Pun intended. Get that sunkissed glow in no time with these amazing hacks.

1. Water

Water is the cure to everything. As much as I hate water. I have to say the benefits of it are amazing. When you drink water it purifies your body. It flushes out all the toxins from your skin.

Benefit: Water clears your skin and makes it glow.

2. Exfoliate

You can exfoliate your skin with three things that are already in your pantry. Oatmeal, sugar, and coffee. You mix any of the three with honey.

Benefit: Takes off the layers of dead skin cells to, show your fresh skin.

3. Masks

Using the right masks that is specialized for your skin needs, will give your skin a radiant glow while knocking out any skin acne issues. I recommended giving yourself a mask once a week. Too much can dry your skin out.

4. No Soda/Junk Food

Cutting out junk food including no soda is not just beneficial for losing weight and staying healthy. When you eat and more balanced and nutritious diet, you are giving your body a lot of TLC. (Tender Loving Care). And in return, your skin will give you love back, with glowing clear free skin.

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5. Lemon Paste

Put some baking soda and lemon juice together until it is a pasty consistency. This beauty hack will dry up any new pimples. After doing this be sure to moisturize your skin. This step is definitely important for dry skin.

6. Wash Linens

Washing your pillows and bed linens in a sensitive skin detergent is a great beauty hack to show love to your skin.

7. Skin Breathe

No makeup ladies!! You’re beautiful. Let your skin breathe without makeup. Even if you have a top-notch beauty skin routine, when you put all that concelor and powders on your skin, your pores clog. So wash your makeup off at night. And dedicate at least one day a week for your skin to breathe.

8. Oatmeal Soap

I love this oatmeal soap. It’s natural calming and a soft exfoiliator.

9. Honey Mask

Here is what you will need for this honey mask: honey, lemon,brown sugar, and aloe vera. Use this mask once a week for clear free skin.This will be sure to give you a glowing radiant complexion.

10. Tea Tree Oil

The premium tea tree oil is natural and has antioxidants to knock out pimples and acne.

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Thanks for reading. Let me know in your comments if any of these helped. Or let me know your beauty hacks to clear skin.

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