Tips To Heal a Broken Ankle (My Story)

Okay, yall I’m in actual pain right now. So, recently there has been this huge winter storm that hit all areas of the US. In my area the winter storm hit about twice in one week. We could not get out anywhere.

It snowed at least 3 to 5 inches. The crazy thing that was quite different is the snow really didn’t really stick as much. It ended up freezing on the ground and turning roads and driveways to a complete skating rink.

Why I’m in So Much Pain?

I was going outside to grab something from my car and was not as careful. Obviously.

Because I slipped down the top of my side stairs all the way to the bottom and could not get up. I was screaming in pain. My mom was over visiting and so my kids heard me and went to go get my mom. The paramedics was called. They helped me back inside because I thought it was just a sprain.

I never broke a thing in my life. I just had one sprain when I was like 7, when I was riding on the back of a bike with my cousin. We was going down a hill and I placed my feet back and my right foot got stuck into the wire spears or whatever from the bike.

My Great Grandfather (rest his soul) had to come and cut the wires to get me out.

Anyway, this was like 2 weeks before a huge trip I was taking to Disney World. Thank goodness I was still able to go and was back to normal.

Okay….Back to My Current Injury

Day 1: I did not go with the paramedics, because I thought it was just a sprain and I asked if I go to the hospital they just probably tell me to stay off it and use the RICE method. (rest, ice, compression and elevate). The paramedics said yes, more than likely.

So despite my mom encouraging me to go and the paramedics being more than willing to assist if I had wanted to. I didn’t want to go to the hospital for something I assumed I knew what happened and I could ease at home.

Day 2: I woke up around 4 am in so much pain. And just knew despite me elevating and icing my foot it was much more serious, than the naked eye.

So, I had my mom take me to the ER once I got myself together.

I will say I soaked up the complete quietness there. Moms, you know what I mean. lol but anyway, they do some X-rays. And the Dr,.comes in and says okay so it’s broken.


Wait, what? I have three small kids 9,7 and 5. And despite their father and my family’s help. I still do everything.

I am very OCD with cleaning. I homeschool my kids like really. They are under parent instruction not the school online anymore. That was too much.. Check out this post here to see how I started that.

Tips To Healing a Broken Ankle

On March 4th, I go to a orthopedic, to get a hard cast. In the hospital I was placed in a temporary cast and given crutches. The crutches is helpful, but they are not ideal.

I was told this whole down time of no weight bearing would be 6 to 8 weeks.

However, I’m hoping I’m only in the hard cast for about 3 weeks than I can get the boot. Which the boot is like the last phase to recovery. Than you would go get comfortable shoes and wear compression socks.

I will keep you all updated. Because if you are like me, you have been searching the web, for similar stories or any help to recovery.

These are the tips that have been helpful so far:

Good Luck to you all and I will update this post, periodically for my recovery.

If you found this helpful. Please share this below.

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