The Ultimate Postpartum Care Kit (with a Printable Checklist)
If you landed on this post then I’m sure you are a mom to be in your second or third trimester. You want to be prepared!
As of mother of three, I have added the must-have essentials that made postpartum recovery easy for me. I have also added some items I wish I had known about.
So, without further ado let’s go through this list together and make sure to grab your Free Postpartum Checklist at the bottom.
If this post, helped you make sure to save it to Pinterest to save for later and for other new mothers to use.

*In this post, I will be providing recommendations from personal experience and top-rated reviews from other postpartum mothers.
Personal Hygiene
Of course, personal hygiene maintenance is important for anyone at any age. However, when you are postpartum (after delivery), you need to make sure you are extra clean down there, so your body can heal as it needs to.
- Squirt Bottle
The hospital will give you a squirt bottle once you deliver. However, if you want to be prepared you can grab some here. These bottles are like ‘heaven’ in a bottle. You’re going to be sore at some point and this helps to relieve the pain and rinse the blood out easily.
This is when you should take a shower after birth.
- Mesh Panties or Depends
According to Babylist, a postpartum woman can bleed 4-6 weeks after delivery. These panties are not only disposable, but they are very large and stretchy.

Note: Using mesh panties or Depends give you enough room to wear padsicles or large pads.
- Nursing Pads
Once you are postpartum or in your ‘Fourth Trimester’ some like to call it, your breasts will start to leak milk no matter if you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. This can be very messy and nursing pads help to keep your clothes clean.
According to What to Expect, Bamboobies reusable nursing pads and Lansinoh Disposable Pads have been proven to be the top-rated among postpartum mothers.
- Multiple Nursing Bras
Instead of waiting for your next bra to be washed, get a least 4 bras that can be changed out.
- Big gowns or Comfy Pajamas

Find the gown above here.
During this time of healing, you want clothes that are not tight-fitting. Don’t worry about how you look at this time, you just grew and delivered a whole human. Tying your hair back in a ponytail is another asset to this IDGAF stage.
Pain Control and Healing
Having comfort during this time is crucial. Of course the obvious tips like: making sure your prescriptions are picked up by a loved one (or on auto delivery) or making sure you have postpartum meals and support from trusted family and friends.
There are postpartum recovery tips that are crucial. And as your mommy friend, I want to make sure you don’t forget these items.
- Lanolin Nipple Cream
Your breasts/nipples will be going through stages. They will be sore, cracked, and feel engorged. Nipple cream will be a nice relief. Also, if you are breastfeeding this kind is baby safe.
- Sitz Mineral Baths
Use a Sitz toilet bath seat (see one here). Add these Sitz mineral bath beads to the toilet with warm water to soothe your perennial area. This is super relaxing if you had a year during vaginal delivery.
How not to tear during labor
- Pain Medication
It would be a very wise choice to make sure a family member picks up your medicine as soon as you get home so there is not a lapse when you need medication.
Call your preferred pharmacy make sure all of your data is up to date and see if you can sign up for auto delivery. Make sure to ask about any delivery fees and t
- Tucks with Witch Hazel
These little circles are a sweet relief to a sore vagina. You place them on your padscicles or huge pad.
- Belly Band
No matter what delivery you have you are supposed to be given a belly band at the hospital. It helps your stomach muscles to go back together. You can also make sure you have a backup here.
- Hemorrhoid Cream
Hemorrhoids can form from all of the extended pushing (you’re using your anal muscles). They can be hurtful. This is a safe and soothing cream that aids in the healing process.
- Co-Sleeper
I understand some parents like to put their child in their nursery to form healthy habits. However, your newborn has been in your womb for nine months.
Delivery is already shocking enough to him/her. Making sure your newborn still knows you are still in close enough distance will help the transition.
In addition, it helps with how many times you have to get up through the night. This co-sleeper helps.
- Prenatal Vitamins
Your body is going through changes and part of those changes are loss of key nutrients. Still taking your prenatal vitamins will assist with making sure you feel healthy.
- Donut Cushion
Your hard and cold toilet set is not as inviting when you are postpartum. Grab a donut cushion for your toilet and one for your couch/bed.
- Oatmeal Bath (C-section Moms)
Oatmeal helps to relieve itching, that a C-section scar can have.
- Hydrocortisone Cream (C section Moms)
This cream also helps to soothe an itchy stomach.
- Calamine Lotion
Here is yet another trusted itch relief.
After delivery, it is common to become constipated.
These products help to make you go to the bathroom without straining which can cause hemorrhoids as well.
*Be cautious when using these products as they may cause an onset of diarrhea. Which means frequent trips to the bathroom. Ask your physician which may be best for you before proceeding.
- Colace
This tiny pill is a laxative. It is said that it may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
- Dried Prunes
This is a natural and delicious way to not get constipated.
- Milk of Magnesium
This one is easy on the stomach despite its chalky taste. However, it will help you go to the bathroom.
Other Important Stuff
- Bottle Warmer
If you live in a multi-level home or you and your spouse just could use those extra Zs. Getting a bottle warmer and putting it right next to your nightstand is sure to make your family’s night run smoother.
- Ready to Feed Bottles
If you choose not to breastfeed or you are not producing enough milk these ready-to-feed bottles are late-night savers.
- White Noise

Get White Noise Machine Here.
This will help to not only put your newborn to sleep but help you to sleep as well.
- Bathroom Caddy
Stack all of your postpartum essentials here. It’s all in one place and easy to access.
- Newborn Caddy
This is another idea of keeping EVERYTHING your newborn needs for the night in one area.
- Newborn Medication
A newborn can not have Tylenol or other medications until six weeks old unless authorized by his/her pediatrician. However, if your newborn has colic or any other symptoms that newborns sometimes get it would help to have these medications handy.
*Disclaimer – Do not give your newborn medication based on this post. Ask his/her pediatrician before proceeding.
So there you have it, a Complete List of Postpartum Essentials.
Is there something, I’m forgetting? If so, leave a comment below. ⬇️
I wish you a soft and loving recovery experience. ❤️
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