Protect Your Family’s Mental Health During the Coronavirus Isolation

What a crazy time we are living in. I mean who would think this disease would come and sweep our nation, our world by storm. Everything is happening so fast. New developments every day. But one thing remains the same staying in quarantine(isolation) is the best method in the prevention of this fatally ill virus. ‘How To Protect Your Family’s Mental Health During The Coronavirus Isolation.’

What Is Being In Quarantine?

Quarantine is the act of being in isolation once a person is exposed to a contagious or infectious disease. In simple terms, there is a contagious virus that is rapidly spreading around the world. In order to slow the process of this disease growing, everyone is advised to isolate themselves into their homes.

Related Post: 101 Family Activities For Your Family To Do While In Quarantine Isolation

It is said that the Coronavirus can last for two weeks(14 days) in the body. The President and Government officials are asked that everyone practice social distancing and not going out of their homes unless it is necessary. Social distancing for a prolonged time can cause a strain on our mental health.

Related Post: If you need to leave the house this is what you need to do

How Has The CoronaVirus Affected Your Family Mental Health?

As of now, much of the world is shut down. Schools are closed around the United States due to the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020. Not only schools but most people that work outside of their homes were sent home to work from home.

The mental health of people is very important. I want to make sure that I let you know it’s okay that right now it’s not okay. We are all in this together. I want to share some mental health tips that I have been using for my own family mental health.

Many workers that are still needed like cashiers and medical staff is still out here dealing with the public because they are truly needed to help us get through this time. And I hope that they are blessed and protected and their families as well.

Related Post: This Can Prevent Your Family From Getting The Coronavirus

But what about those cashiers and medical staff workers that can’t work because schools are closed and many daycares are shut down as well. They have no choice but to quit. If this is you, let’s get into some resources to help you out during this time.

protect family health during coronavirus outbreak

How To Protect Your Family’s Mental Health During The Coronavirus Isolation

You’re stuck at home with your kids. They are out of school and don’t know actually when they are going back. You are not working and you don’t know when your next check will come through to hold you and your family over. Not only that you feel like you just might go crazy.

This is the mental health that you need to protect. For you to be able to handle all the changes that are going on. You need to have your mental health together. Especially, if you are a single mom and doing this all alone.

For many parents, sending your bickering kids off to school is a break-in itself. And for many kids going to school is a break from home life. They get to hang out with their friends and they are equipped with their school routine. That’s all on pause now.

I suffer from anxiety as I’m sure a lot of mothers do. I had my mental health in order. But with the sudden drop of school and now I had to fast track to a summer schedule for my kids minus work and camp/daycare.

So before you become too overwhelmed, I have some things for you to do

woman looking sad

How Can My Bills Be Taken Care Of Since The Coronavirus Has Us All Out Of Work?

If you have found yourself like millions out of work due to the Coronavirus outbreak, a major question is how am I going to pay my bills.

According to

  • Student loans- Have been delayed interest-free for two months
  • Rent/Mortage- Many foreclosures and evictions have been suspended
  • Utilities- Shutoffs have been put off until further notice
  • Food/Medical Assistance- Check with your local Department of Social Services and Board of Education.

My kids’ school district is giving out food bags Monday through Friday.

The government has been ‘toying’ with the idea of sending all Americans with a stimulus check. Read more about that today.

kid preschool activities picture

How To Keep My Kids Entertained Through The School Break?

It is important to have a balance with this. Kids are thrown out of whack with their normal routine. And some children do not do good with breaking their routine. Let them have a break, let them play games and relax. But in the mornings I would encourage school work/learning.

My kids’ teachers have been going beyond their call of duty. They have been checking in with their students and saying how much they miss them and to stay safe. They also have sent optional work to do. This is so important to stick with but little by little.

This morning activity I just did with my kids and they loved it.

Stay tuned to the schedule I have for my own kids since the 2020 school break. I also have a blank template schedule that you can print out and use now for free.

Here is a list of 101 things that you and your family can do to not to end up bored.

How To Protect Your Family’s Mental Health During The Coronavirus Isolation


woman hand cleaning kitchen counter

Not only because extra cleaning is something you should be doing now. This also can help you and your family to feel better and lift your spirits during this hard time. It is easy to slip into a funk when you are just home. You can protect your family’s mental health during the coronavirus isolation by simple yet effective things.

A simple task of making up the bed and opening the blinds for sunlight will make your home even happier during this time. This can also be fun for your kids. Teach them new simple morning chores, like making their bed. Make it rewarding by giving them a star on a chart.

You don’t have to buy a fancy chart. A time that you would want them to be quiet. Give them a blank piece of paper and let them decorate it. Make sure you leave blank space for the days of the week. They will feel so happy and ready to put their new chore chart to good use. If have some ink in your printer.

Here is a free pdf chore chart I made just for the kiddos.

You don’t have to sign up or anything. This is my gift to you and your family right now. Stay tuned for more.

Download Free Boy Chore Chart

Download Free Girl Chore Chart

2. Self Care-

beauty products layout

I’m not saying you have to put on a full face of makeup to just sit in the house. Actually, this is the time to give your face a break. But don’t neglect it. Ditch the makeup for a mask and moisturizer.

Still, brush your kid’s hair, but there is no need for them to be school perfect when just lounging around the house. But they can feel so refreshed by preparing themselves for the day like they are going to school. Hair and wardrobe.

I’m a fan of making my kids wear as I call it “soft pants” on days home from school. This is because when you are home, sweats are more comfortable.

Free mental checklist

3. Encourage Naps

newborn/baby taking a nap on stomach

I often hear parents say “My child stopped taking naps at like 2.” Yes, naturally they may feel they want to skip naps. But for your sanity and them being refreshed naps are encouraged. Going to bed at a decent time is encouraged as well.

How I explain naps to my kids is. “Your body is like a phone. When it’s been on all day, the battery gets drained. And then you have to put it on the charger. Naps are our chargers. We have to recharge our bodies and brains so we can function even more.”

I do not know what I would get accomplished if my kids did not take naps.

And even if it’s not naps, quiet time when they go in their rooms and lay down on their Tablet or watch a relaxing tv cartoon. Like Tom and Jerry or Max and Ruby.

How To Encourage Naps and Bedtime for my Kids?

  • Dim Lights
  • No sound
  • White Noise Sound like a fan or this
  • Limited Electronics like the phone. I let my kids watch relaxing Youtube channels and I dim the light on the phone for the first 15 mins or so of nap

I hope that everyone is staying safe and you are able to find some sort of light in being at home. It is hard but be sure to keep you and your family’s mental health and overall health thriving during this time.

yellow lemons on white layout

Stay tuned for more ways to keep you and your family on top of this Coronavirus. And how to effectively get through this healthy and happy.

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