Lifesaving Tips for Your Family

As your a child you literally have no worries. I mean that explains why kids are constantly hurting themselves  (they have no worries).

However, as we get older, we are more aware of surroundings. But with that being said how worried are we as adults? And should we be?

According to the statistic rate for violent crime has decreased.

However, aggravated assault stays at an all time high.

Imagine this….how many times do you turn on tv and hear of a murder? A child abduction? And the List goes on. 

Life saving ways to keep and your family safe all year


1. Never Leave Spare keys in the normal spot like under the welcome mat or in the flower pot. Keep it somewhere away from the door. Think outside the box.

2.Do not tell everyone your schedule. Close family can know. The key is being discreet with your locations. I’m not saying put on sunglasses and a trench coat. 😎 This is because if someone is plotting to rob you it gives them a timeframe.

3.Don’t post your location on social media. Don’t say when your going away on vacation. Just post the pictures when you get back home.

4.Don’t let unfamiliar people in your home. In my home no my cousin can’t bring her new boyfriend over. No my sister can’t bring her casual friend by.

Your home should be your secret place. When someone you don’t know enters your home, you don’t know what they are capable of.

Letting someone in your home gives them the chance to how your home is set up.

Maybe that nice flat screen, or that new bracelet.

Let me say here as I’m writing this I feel like a paranoid maniac.

So yes I’m with you that all these precautions may sound like you need to live in fear everyday.

The truth is you dont. You will get accustomed to just taking the extra step of precautions.

You don’t know how these little steps to safety have saved hundreds of people lives.

If you want to know about daily safety to help you read on.

Stranger Danger

1. Don’t go to remote areas alone. If you know where your going is basically deserted ,for example

the park early in the morning.

Or going for a jog around wooded areas.  Just keep a reliable buddy with you.

2.Don’t go in parking lots in the night time. And if you have to make it a point to park close to the store,

where someone can see you and where it has light.

3.Don’t involve yourself in any unnecessary altercations. This could be at work, school, social media.

Things could get out of hand fast.

4.ONLY leave your children with trusted individuals. I hate to say it but even family physically and sexually assaulted children. You can never be to sure when it comes to your children.

5.Make a safe word with your children. This word should be weird enough but doable. This should be used by your kids when they are in uncomfortable situations.


1. If they ever hear someone say anything to threaten someone including themselves TELL AN ADULT RIGHT AWAY DON’T WAIT.

2. No one is to touch their private areas.

3. If someone is being bullied don’t stand by help them and tell a teacher right away.

4. Go straight to school and go straight home.

(Kids walking to school alone or even with one other child is what kidnappers hope for)

What are some precautions or safety tips you use? I would love to hear them. 😊

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