
Save $250 On Groceries By Doing This

If you are trying to figure out ways for you to save money on groceries you are winning. You have the right mindset. SAVE! I am a mom of three kiddos so I know how important it is to not only save money, but to save money on groceries.

If I had all the patience in the world, I still wouldn’t be able to keep up with couponing. It would drive me crazy, to look for certain coupons. Cutting and printing them. And so. So if you are like me and want to save money on groceries without coupons. You are in luck. I’m going to give you the best tips on getting groceries on a budget.

1. Make a List

I don’t know how many times I intended on writing a list and didn’t. That caused me to waste time and money in the store. Not only that I wasn’t able to always get matching food. Because when I’m shopping without a list, I’m just grabbing what my family likes. Instead of having an actual meal plan with a list attached.

Grab this meal planner and grocery list here.

grocery list

2. Shop Without Kids

If you can shop while your children are in school or a trustworthy family member watch them. You may think you can go in with them and still be supermom all at once. I’m sure you can. But I learned you have to be focused when going on a grocery trip run. Not bringing your children along cuts out the distractions. And it also cuts out them asking for unnecessary stuff.

3. Get Generic

When I first moved out on my own, I wanted to name brand household items. I have matured along the way and I now know I can still have expensive taste but shop generic when it comes to household items and food. I also found out sometimes the name brand stuff is not as good as the generic. And if you don’t know what generic is that’s usually the store brand items.

Related Post: How To Budget When You Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck

assorted drinks on white commercial refrigerator

4. Buy in Bulk

You may think you don’t need the pack of lunch juiceswith 48 in it. All you need is 10. No. Even though the bulk items maybe a couple dollars more you can still get more for your buck going with the bulk items.

5. No Prepackaged Foods

Have you ever went grocery shopping and saw exactly what you needed. But it was done for you. Sweet! You don’t have to prep anything. Stop. You are wasting money right there. Yes, if you are pressed for time and need something quick, it’s fine to go ahead and grab the soup that’s already made. But look at the price. It’s expensive huh? Yep. And not only that it’s usually a smaller portion.

group of people inside mart at fruit section

6. Decrease Meat

I got this great tip from this blog. Meat is the most expensive thing on everyone’s grocery list. And it cost a lot to have meat each day of the week. And quite unhealthy. If you have a couple of days out of the week, where you don’t have meat for your meals it will save you money on groceries big time.

Related Post: Meatless Dinner Ideas

7. CashBack Apps

The world of technology is evolving day by day. It’s amazing. You can save big time on groceries, by using cashback apps. How it works is you download the app of your choice. A highly recommended one is Ibotta. Once you upload your receipt, you get a couple of dollars back. Just think each grocery trip you take you get like 5.00 back. That adds up over time.

The benefits of using Ibotta

Inbox Dollars is another retable cash-back app. You get $5 just for signing up.


Related Post: More Amazing Grocery Store Tips You Never Thought Of

I hope this helps for the next time that you need to go grocery shopping for yourself and your family. I really had fun with this post and giving my readers the tips that I have learned when I’m on vacation. Oh I mean the grocery store. Moms understand. : )

How do you save when you go grocery shopping?

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how to save money on groceries

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