Easter Coloring Pages
Easter is so much fun getting excited at any age for the preparations of the Easter egg hunt, the food, the gathering, and more. But with all of that, we have to keep our little ones entertained right? That’s where these beautiful Easter coloring pages come in. They are a variety of designs and characters that your child will love coloring.
Why Easter Coloring Pages Are So Fun?
Because they are!! Any coloring can be therapeutic and soothing. Adults can color too!
It’s such a stress reliever. So if you have some spare time grab some colored pencils or crayons and get on the floor or at the table with your kiddos and color one of these Easter coloring pages and you will be blown away at how much of 5 mins of doing calming crafting with your kids can lower your stress levels.
Related Post: 15 Calming Activities To Do With Your Kids
Related Post: Calming Crafts for Adults
What Materials Will You Need For The Coloring Pages?
- A printer with black ink
- Colored pencils,crayons,markers, or paint
Related Post: Easter Egg Coloring Pages for Adults
Cute Easter Bunny Easter Coloring Pages

Here are some cool facts about Easter
- Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion.
- Eggs are the ancient symbol of fertility. While Easter is in April (Spring), which Spring means rebirth and new life.
- Americans spend 1.9 billion on candy during Easter. The second largest holiday after Halloween.
- Egg Dyes were once made from tree bark, flower petals, juices and onion peels.
- The first story of the Easter Bunny hiding eggs was published in 1680.
- Easter is on a Sunday, after the 40 day fasting period which is called Lent when people give up one of their indulgences.
- “The White House Easter Egg Roll” event has been celebrated by the president and his family since 1878.
- Holy Week is celebrated during the week leading up to Easter. It begins with Palm Sunday, than Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and then Easter.
- 10 Easter Coloring Pages
Easter Coloring Pages

Keep scrolling below to get your free Easter coloring pages.

This adorably cute bunny carries a basket full of Easter eggs that are ready to be dyed.
The Beautiful Egg Coloring Page

These two pages are something more than coloring. The central message is Easter and making an Easter egg character. Then your child can write a story about it on the second PDF template.