Morning Sight Word Games
If you have reached this page then you are looking to help your kiddo master word building. I have three elementary school children who love this activity. You can incorporate this activity for learning how to spell names, places, and more. I love using it for the vocabulary words that they get in school each week. Let’s get into it. ‘Morning Sight Word Games’
Materials Needed for Sight Word Games:
For this word-building activity, there are a few materials that are needed.
- Clothes Pins
- Permanent Marker (Alternative: Regular Marker)
- Index Card (Alternative: Cut paper into an index card size)
- Ziploc Bag for Storage
Related Post: 101 Activities For Families To Do While Indoors
I love this ‘Clip It’ Preschool activity. The prep time is minimal. I made these clips and cards up in 10 mins. Since my kids have been on a break from this recent COVID-19 outbreak, I have been trying to keep them on a semi-structured schedule for half of the day.
The best time to introduce this activity or any others is in the morning after your kiddos breakfast. Right when they are up enough and not groggy. But before they get distracted by toys and playing.
COVID-19 Notice To Parents:
I know we have all been thrown through this chaos. I know we are all hurting. The kids are missing their friends and most importantly, their education. Now, living a temporary home school lifestyle while trying to balance work and daily chores, it is simply overwhelming. I get it. Please do not feel hard on yourself or that you are falling short of teaching your child.
Related Post: Protect Your Family’s Mental Health Too During The COVID-19 Outbreak By Doing This
Encourage naps or quiet times to have a break and get work done around the house.
Have a balance of learning time and just simply break time.
Learning can be implemented in many fun forms learning apps, hands-on interactive activities and more.
Hang in there, mama.
The good that comes out of this is we get to spend time with one another.
And simply just slow down.

‘Clip It’ Sight Word Games
This activity can be utilized for any elementary school-aged child. It is very easy, yet challenging and stimulates the brain. The holding, opening, and closing of the clips are great to strengthen motor skills in preschoolers and autistic/special needs children.
1. Put the Items In The Bag

Give your child the bag with the clothespins that has the letters on each clip. The index card should be on here too.
Related Post- 10 Additional Sight Word Games
2. View The Word
Let your child take the materials out of the bag. And view the words on the index and card and locate the matching letters.

Related Post: Teaching Sight Words To Children With Learning Disabilities
3. Clip It

The last step is your child completing the activity by finding all of the clips for the words on the index card.
Tip: This can also be used for math. Stay tuned for my tutorial on ‘Clip It’ Math Edition: Subtracting, Adding, and Number Recognition.

This is a great idea. I love that I have everything I need to do it already! Thanks.
It’s that easy right? Yet, so effective. Thanks for checking this activity out.