7 Essential Needs For Homeschool Room Setup
We all have been feeling the stress of the sudden homeschooling of our children once your state shut down. My mother was very fond of homeschooling when I was growing up. My sisters and I were actually homeschooled for about two years.
Here are the Top 10 Homeschool Bloggers You Should Be Following.
So I do have some knowledge first hand on how it feels as a child to be homeschooled. Now as a mother of three and suddenly have to homeschool my children to keep them safe, I have been feeling the same emotions as you: stressed, sad, confused, overwhelmed yet relieved.
So with those emotions, I have been searching the internet for the best homeschool room setup.
These room ideas are the essential needs of any homeschool room setup. Which means this list will contain all the main needs of any homeschool classroom setup.
1. Desk
This is a must. You do not have to go out and buy the grandest desk. You can use the kitchen table if needed. Alternative ideas are using a meal dinner plate.
2. Whiteboard / Calendar For Wall
A calendar for you and your children to see what is on the agenda for the days ahead will make things more stable. You don’t want your children to wake up and not know what is in store for them academically. Writting on the calendar will give them some insight.
Having a whiteboard can be used for when you are teaching, writing out the lesson plan. This gives your child a visual understanding in a classroom format.
3. Supply Cart
You should get these items based on the size that you have dedicated to your child’s homeschool room setup.
A supply cart is what your child will have to have all of his/her essential school supplies like: art supplies and writing utensils.
I love this one as I have always seen teachers to have this. And I actually loved it so much, I went and purchased one last year for my kids work corner when they were doing their homework.
It has 12 bins or you can get the one with 24 bins. Each bin you can put it to good use.
Here are Free labels for each bin.
4. Desk Top/Laptop
A desktop computer would be ideal because it gives your child some stability and also it feels more like a school setting.
A laptop will be ideal if you don’t want your child to be confined to one space when completing computer tasks.
The tablet I highly recommend for younger children. I purchased a touchscreen laptop (2 in 1) for my preschooler when schools first closed. It was easier for us both to navigate.
Continue for more Homeschool Room Setup Ideas
5. File Bin
The file bin can be used for so many different paper storage needs. Purchase a pack of file folders. The come like 50 in a pack in most places and different colors. So you can color coordinate to your liking. The file bin will be perfect for storing homeschool classwork by month or category.
6. Name Station
This is where your child will have their own space to put their school items and for them to feel a sense of entitlement and comfort. In school, your child more than likely had a cubby or a desk where it was personalized for him/her, with their name or picture. Do the same thing here. Here are some great ideas for the name stations.
7. Inspirational Outlet
And last but not least, I put an inspirational Outlet on this essential homeschool room ideas,because anyone especially a child needs to be motivated. Especially, during these times of insercurity, your child should look up and see something that makes them feel good. It’s not easy being taken away from your friends, teachers and school to be stuck in the house for a whole year or more. Let’s give our kiddos the encouragement that they need to make it through this school year strong.
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I know this is hard for everyone. We are all new to this daily battle of staying safe. Now we have to fight the battle with our children of going through a full year of virtual learning. The road will not be easy. As parents, we have to excercise patients with our children during this time. They are not use to all of the chaos going on so each child may react differently.
You may have a child that has drawn back and closed off the past few months.
Acting out can now be another way that your child maybe expressing his/her feelings.
Kids no matter the age, don’t always know how to express themselves. Especially, with tough topics.
I know it seems like I have went off topic, about the Kids Essential Homeschool Room Setup Ideas. But I wanted to just shed light on the school year for 2020-2021 will be a battle. However, if we all have a plan and prepare now, the stress will not be as daunting.
I hope that you and your family stays safe. Make sure you subscribe and check back with me weekly, because I will be leaving free homeschool resources in the upcoming weeks, throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
We are in this together.

What an awesome post, I love how you included an inspiration outlet! Having a passion project and working on it even 20-30 minutes a day boosts creativity and releases so much stress. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, Karen! Being in such a high-stress time we all need frustration outlets.