
5 Exciting Ways to Prepare the Whole Family for Spring

Oh how I love spring.

Spring is in the air do do do do do🎶

Do you all remember that old commercial? Lol.

Anyway spring gets me feeling good.

Well besides me wanting to shed a couple of those unwanted pounds. Ladies you know what I mean.

Besides that I have a full on spring cleaning that satisfies my OCD. Yayy!

And can we talk about that warm weather with the spring breeze. Ohhh yeah baby. As far as my kiddies. This is the time that I can ease up on the heavy jackets, scarfs and wool hats. It’s more park friendly days. So spring is a win win for all.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products and services that I have used and loved or that had great reviews. Enjoy!

Let’s get some ideas rolling for what you and your family can put on the to do list for this spring that is soon approaching.5 Exciting Ways To Prepare The Whole Family For Spring; Loading in 5 4 3 2 1 😊

1. Loose Those Unwanted Pounds

First and foremost let’s discuss if you are trying to maintain a healthy diet and shed some unwanted weight.This one can be for man or woman. Spring is the ultimate warning that summer is soon approaching. I remember for the past three summers I wish I could have just worn a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Well actually I did wear a sheer blouses over a tank top.

Why? I was 100lbs over my pre baby body weight.

I will write a post in depth of my weight loss journey soon. (So subscribe so you will be the first to know).

My mother is a motivational/fitness coach having lost over 150lbs herself naturally no pills no surgery. JUST LIFESTYLE CHANGES. It took me awhile to take her loving advice for a healthier lifestyle. I loved my Baconators and McDonald strawberry milkshakes too much.

In the past year I have taken my mother’s coaching steps resulting in loosing 70lbs in the past year with no pills or surgery.(She offers coaching for great rates). However, I still gave 30 more lbs to go. So, so you can have s confident summer too let’s work on loosing those pounds together.

Related Post: Spring/Summer Fashion on a budget

2. Put the Christmas Decor Away

Everyone that knows me pokes fun at me for leaving my Christmas Decor up too long. I can’t be the only one that goes into the end of February with my Christmas tree still up and a few other decorations outside. *crickets * okay okay maybe I am. So you can dismiss the title. Just put up some spring decor. My kiddies love helping to put out the bird bath. Oh oh and cute new solar lights. Yes they will start gaining more light now too.

3. Plan out your summer

I can’t stress this enough. Plan your summer now. Right now life isn’t that chaotic for a parent. By the ending of the year closer to summer you have: prom, graduations, birthdays, daycare,summer camps and the list goes on. I got you thinking right? Your making a to do list in your head? Okay jot that down. That’s a start. Get any registrations for camps and daycares out the way. Book any hotels for vacations now. And start saving. Lastly think how your family’s daily routine will be in the summer. And how you will need to have the whole family transition to the summer routine from the in school way of things. I found having a chore chart works well year around .

Related Post: How to Effectively Plan For The Summer With Kids

4. Start a garden

This is a great activity to get your children out and active. You can plant flowers for a flower garden. Or plant some veggies and fruits. You can make learning lessons. Name each seed or plant that’s planted and it’s color. Teach your child what it needs to grow. (Light,water and love )

Your child will enjoy having the responsibility to water the plant daily. And watch it sprout. For example, I would also let him/her watch a YouTube video after you all plant. So they can know what to expect.

And if you have curious and a bit impatient kids like mine they may get a bit anxious waiting the whole summer to see a little flower sprout out. As a result,I would recommend getting this which will amaze your child with the quick growth.

5. Explore outdoor activities

Therefore, here is the last but definitely not least. My favorite. More outdoor play. All the mommys around the world is agreeing with me right now. It is a formula not only are your children getting a chance to have fresh air and be free instead of freezing. Generally they get to burn off all that bottled up energy. And you know the end result to that formula. Well rested kids for bed and relaxation time for mommy with a breeze.

Here is a great post I found on other activities for your kids on a budget.

OutDoor play

Conclusion is Fresh air+burning energy= rested kids😃

Until next time.


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