1 Mom Hack to Stop Sibling Arguing in the Car
[dropcap][/dropcap]Is it just my kids or do your kids bicker and argue in the car too?
For crying out loud(literally) you just want to have a happy go lucky car ride, singing to the radio.
I mean it starts that way than my daughter decides to tell me about her day at school (again) and my oldest is singing and then my daughter says don’t cut me off.
Then I have to turn down the radio to listen to her because I don’t want to seem like I’m tuning her out for music. Then my youngest is there laughing at the chaos in front of him. Then guess what I drove past my exit and I’m so ready for their bedtime to roll around.
I tried everything from teaching them the safety of the roads and distractions. They were intrigued and scared to silence for like 10 minutes. I tried taking away something they liked……I tried yelling…..I tried bribing…than I found this magic trick on pinterest one late night.

Super Easy Car Clips
Credit for the above picture is featured from a teacher that I follow on Pinterest. She has a lot of great ideas too. Check out her cool finds here https://www.pinterest.com/amandababb6/
You place your kids’ names on their own clothespin and decorate it. The clip stays on the car’s visor. If no one shows off in the car their clip stays up and they will get a reward at the next place.
The reward can be anything and it doesn’t have to cost you a penny.
Make their job feel like it’s so special and they should be so happy to do it.
If your next stop is the grocery store, have someone be mommy’s big helper and help put things in the cart.
See that was a painless craft right? You will love this one too
With the same idea at hand with having your children argure or bicker less. You can also make mobile behavior charts. These charts are super easy and very effective because they are hands on.
Ok, so let me get to the point.
1. Your child will wear a lanyard necklace/ id badge
2. You cut out construction paper that is rectangle shape to fit in the id holder portion
3. Place your childs name on the front and let him/her decorate the front only
4. You draw a simple grid with the days of the week.
5. Place the contstuction paper in the id badge holder
6. Once its in the laminated sleeve, you should be able to see the front and back clearly
7. When you going out let your child place this around their neck. This will encourage your child to behavior well because they know they will get a star sticker on the back of their id badge.
Here are some links to the AFFORDABLE products you will need:
Lanyard (Here is the Disney featured ones for girls and boys) They are a few more dollars than the basic colors.
Construction Paper
(Make it a fun arts and crafts idea and have them to decorate it)
Reward Stickers
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