Top Five Ways to Summer Planning for The Whole Family
Can you believe that it is almost summer already? It seems like it was yesterday that I was just crying seeing my daughter start pre-k and my oldest starting first grade.
It’s been a long but fast school year. Making lunches Monday through Friday, signing Tuesday folders, report cards, homework, fundraisers and the list goes on. Now it’s that time of the year where families get to relax, unwind, and vacation.
Top Five Ways to Budget for the Summer
1. Plan Ahead
The best way to kick the summer off is planning at least four months ahead. This way you can save up vacation money and have enough time to book. But in a world of busy moms with so much on their plate already you may didn’t do that. Now what? Just jot down your budget as of now. Do you have extra spending money that can go towards entertainment for the summer?
If not that’s fine too. Most people live from check to check with maybe an extra hundred or so left. There are many places and things that you can do in the summer for less than $100. No matter your budget there is always something that can work for you and your family.
Grab this Summer Planner for 50% off Today.
2. List All The Activities On A Calendar Visible For The Whole Family
What will everyone be doing this summer? In a perfect world parents would be able to take off of work all summer like kids do and report back when kids go back to school. (There are jobs like this). Get a calendar and map out each week with activities that fit to your schedule. For example; If your working Monday through Friday, make the family activities on the weekends. These activities can be a simple cookout at the park, going to the water park, or having a mall day.
Grab this Summer Planner for 50% off Today.

3. Summer Safety Guidelines
“Teach and Repeat Safety” to your children. This is something that should be used year-round. However, it should be repeated and heard by your children again. Summertime is when a lot of young people dismiss rules.
- Do not talk to strangers.
- Do not go with any stranger.
- Always go with someone do not walk alone.
- Do not go out after dark.
- Do not go over to a friend’s house without your parents’ permission.
- Do not go to a friend’s house without knowing who is there.
The list goes on. But you get the idea its a lot of sickos out here that unfortunately is waiting for a child or parent to slip up. Stay Woke! Here are some important cautions to take to keep you and your family safe year-round.

4. Savings For Summer
Emergency Money. Make sure that you put something away for a rainy day. Make sure that your vehicle is mobile to drive back and forth safely. Who wants to be that person that we feel bad for on the side of the road in 90-degree weather looking for a “jump”. (Nothing is wrong with this it’s just being prepared). Also, check out this post about how to make your summer memorable and fun with no money.
5. Clean and Organize Your Home
Make sure your home is clean and tidy. Clothes folded and organized. I am a neat freak so I must have bins for my kids’ clothes for the whole week. I put their Monday day and night-clothes into that bin so on and so on. This also is a plus if you do it for yourself too. So many mornings when I woke up unorganized and spent twenty mins on piecing together everyone’s clothes. Being prepared is key. Once I added in this routine, my morning starts off smoothly.
Related Post: Tips to organize your kitchen
*Tip If you have trouble with spending money that supposed to be for entertainment. Get Gift cards. Yes, if you’re going bowling get a gift card for the amount that you plan on spending that day. Do this for each activity.
Here is a post about how I made over $!,000 from referral apps. Check it out so you make some cash to save for the summer now.
“Cheers to an Amazing Summer”