10 Easy Organizing Tips for Kitchen
You and your family spend most of the time in the kitchen. Whether it’s preparing foods, eating, doing homework or anything that families utilize the kitchen area for, here are some helpful hacks to organize your kitchen.
This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products and services that I have used and loved or that had great reviews. Enjoy!
- Labels for each drawer (fruits/vegetables) and more. Get your free labels here.
- Meal prep containers – This is easy and so convenient. Prep your meals for the week and grab them when needed. My favorite is prep packing my children’s lunches. Find some quick yummy meals to pre-prep for those containers here.
- EGG cartons for condiment bottles. It keeps them organized and ready to go. I love this hack because you don’t have to buy anything. In addition, your flipping the condiment bottles upside down so you can get the last little bit of sauce out when needed.
- Fridge Magnet Cups on kids cups. They can put their cups on the outside of the refrigerator. I love this one. Because of this crafty d.i.y. hack there will be no multiple cups and no hearing “where is my cup!” 😑
- Over the fridge organizer– Easily keep plates and utensils close by when needed.
- Chalkboard/Whiteboard on the side to keep family in the known of the meals for that week. In addition, it also helps you to prepare for the meals ahead
Related Post: More Hacks For Organizing Your Fridge
1.Mason Jars – Add beautiful script labels to your to do list to organize your kitchen.These jars can be used for sugar,flour, cookies, pens and more. Here are some free and beautiful script labels. Without a doubt this will beautify your kitchen in the most simplistic but chic way.
2.Install a rack and hang baskets on it to hold T towels , cooking utilities and more. Get the tutorial here.
3. Inspirational Plaque for kitchen- Who doesn’t love a small plaque with the inspirational gesture that just warms your heart.
4. Fruit Basket– Yes I know this should be a given. But if your like me you started off with a fruit basket. But then it became a place for the bottles and things like that. So this is to us. Keep your fruit basket a fruit basket. Your fruit will thank you later. 😊
5. Charging station- What better way to keep everyones device charged and neat in one area.Writing Area
- Binders for family. First,you should have a home binder(all insurance info, info for your home, all important documents). Binder for your children (all homework related) and a Mom Binder. A mom binder is a lifesaver. Have everything from appointments, goals, workout tracker, job related work, meal prep and more. With this in mind you will be on your way to becoming organized and less stressed.
- Calendar for the wall– I love the dry erase ones. Dry erase calendars and paper calendars serve the same purpose. Moreover, they are too help you become organized therefore you will accomplish your goals.
- Action Center – Last but not least,get an affordable desk or use your table for homework and computer time. However, if your using the table make sure you clean up the area when your done so its not cluttered with papers. Finally, are some things to make sure you can keep this action center clean.
Get some inspiration from these cool ones.
Cabinets –

- Bins for Cabinets– Bins are a quick yet effective way to tidy up and they look good.
- Labels for everything
- Medicine Cabinet
- Dispenser
What is your pet peeve with your kitchen organization? What do you have to have in order?

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