10 Morning Hacks for Moms
One thing that will make or break my whole day is if my morning routine is chaotic or not. And without these amazing morning hacks, I don’t know what I would do. Everyone has their own routine that fits their own family. However, these 10 life hacks will put you a step ahead of your mornings.’10 Easy Morning Hacks for Moms’

Why Are Morning Routines So Busy For Moms?
Being a mom of multiple kids my anxiety kicks in bright and early in the morning. Breakfast being made. Encouraging my picky eaters to eat each bite. Check out my post on 20 Easy and Fun Lunches for your picky eaters.Make sure homework folders are signed. Lunches are packed. Oh and let’s sprinkle it with my OCD the house has to be in order before we leave out. I would like us coming back home with everything in place not a ransack.
How Can I Manage Through This Morning Madness?
So I knew I had to really do something to be more organized. Because it usually left us being almost late for school and everything being rushed.
If this sounds like you. Here are some of my ideas and hacks that I found on Pinterest to help you have a worry-free morning routine.
1. Picking clothes out the night before
First, this is so helpful.I ordered this life-saving days-of-the-week cubby from amazon. It has cubbies for each day of the week. The cube unit conveniently hangs from your closet rails. Place smaller objects like jewlery or undergarments in it’s handy pockets. Oh and it’s sooo colorful and matches in ant boys or girls room. Continue to get this look here.
2. Plan Out Your Week
Planning out your week ahead on a Sunday is a game changer. Having a ton of things to do for the upcoming week can make your head spin. Wanna give it a try? Doctors appointments, projects, exercise routines,birthday reminders, meetings, grocery shopping, hair appointments,kids practices, meal prep and more). Okay, let’s map all of that out.
Sign up for my free library and download your goal getter to do list calendar today to organize your chaos. This you will use to map out your week. Example: Monday goals and duties, Tuesday goals and duties. Plus its super cute!
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3. Plan out Your Morning
This one kinda goes with planning out your week. So I plan out my following week that Sunday. So when Monday starts I know what goals I need to accomplish that day. On the days you have so many things to do. Write that out on an individual paper aside from your calendar. Just make a list from am to pm what you need to be done in order. Place it on your fridge and grab it before you leave the house. If your more of a techy person download a free task app.
Use this erasable and magnetic calendar to map out your day from start to finish.
4. Get Up Earlier
Okay, let me the first to say this is not easy. Especially for us night owls. I mean it’s not fair, but it just has to be done. Any other moms that can relate? I mean our day basically starts when our kids go to sleep. Laundry,dishes and we squeeezee in some t.v. then for ourselves. Before you know it its 12am. Then we have to get up early to start our day. If you’re a mom get up before your kids. It’s the only sane way to start our day. You don’t have to rush in a chaotic time. You can get yourself together, their breakfast together and then you shouldn’t have to yell for everyone to hurry up because they will be late for school. Get your echo today that does more than wake you up to a refreshing bright start.
5. Do your Cleaning the Night Before
I have to have a decently clean house before I leave out anywhere. That’s just my mommy mode kicking in that I don’t want us to walk into our house with things out of order. It just makes it a calming atmosphere when it is tidy. So doing your house cleaning the night before does wonders. Check out some easy tips for organizing your kitchen here.
6. Do everyone’s hair the Night Before
My children’s hairstyles are forever changing. If you are a mom that has children that you want to maintain the fly-aways and you spend more than 10mins on your child’s hair. Take the advice of a mom/cosmetologist. Wrap their hair the night before. If you put any holding product in your child’s hair. Wrap it securely with an age-appropriate scarf and in the morning it will be secure and nongreasy like. Alternatively, you can make sure that your child gets up earlier so you have that extra time to do their hair, without rushing.
7. Cook Breakfast Before The Kids Wake
This is a basic given. Get the food flowing and faces glowing when your babies wake up to their warm breakfast. Now every parent knows it’s hard to get their kids to eat their breakfast. And it’s even harder to fix eggs,bacon, and the whole shebang every morning. It’s okay Mom to just make some morning cereal and orange juice. Or waffles/pancakes and orange juice. If you want some new fun and easy breakfast ideas check out these ones.
8. Get Backpacks and Lunches Packed The Night Before
This is a must for me. I have 3 kids ages 7,5, and 3. So their is always something that is going on. New sight words, homework, fundraisers, projects, field trips, daily folders requiring a parent signature and more.

Get your items to build your station now.
9. Use Portable Caddies For Each Child
These caddies are complete morning savers as well. Take each one of the caddies. You can either label them or get a different color for each child. You can put everything in it for the morning for each child. Their wash cloth,soap,lotion, hair ties and everything all in one place.
10. Keep Your Keys Out
Lastly, but more importantly.Okay, I leave my keys continuously. I blame it on mom brain. So if you are like me that continuously are losing your keys or even your remote. This has been a morning saver for me. I mean really if you have to be out the house in 10 mins, who wants to be looking for keys?
This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products and services that I have used and loved or that had great reviews. Enjoy!
What are some hacks that you use to have a stress-free day?
Don’t forget to pin this for later!

I have five kids so I already do a lot of these. But doing hair the night before is a new one!!
Yes, for certain styles and use product the styles will stay fresh for the next morning.
Organization is absolutely the key. If there is no organization then chaos ensues and therefore ends up with everyone being stressed. These are all great ideas!
Oh my gosh yes. My anxiety is at an all-time high when I am not prepared or organized. Happy Holidays!
These are great tips! I REALLY need to work on waking up earlier. I’m always stressed and rushing in the morning.
Those mornings are definitely stressful. Thanks for reading. Happy Holidays!
This station idea is cute and so practical! I’m doing it! I also liked the planning on a Sunday idea. Following on Facebook so I can see more of these cool hacks.
Aww thank you so much for the support Rachel. We love the station in my home, hope you all will too.Happy Holidays!
If only I could make #4 happen! The mornings I do manage to roll out of bed earlier, I love that I can get a bunch of stuff done. Thanks for the great tips 😊
Yes, I still fall short sometimes with getting up extra early. Ugh. Thanks for the read Chelsy.
Hi! This is awesome! I will saying cleaning up a night before is a staple for me! I fill so much better waking up knowing the house is tidy upon me leaving for work. Great tips! Thank you for sharing!
I agree I am not satisfied until my house is tidy either. It will throw my whole mood off if it is not.haha.
These tips can be good for busy adults too! My biggest issue is using my phone too long before getting out of bed! I imagine I could get so much more done if that weren’t a habit! No kids here yet!
Hello Lynn,
I’m glad you found some helpful tips. Yes,the phone comes with its good and bad. I have a problem lingering a bit too long at night. Thanks again for checking out my post. Make sure you come back.
Great tips! Mornings can be really chaotic if you don’t have a routine or wake up late. I follow most of the things here. I prepare all clothing for the week on Sunday then on the night before I set them aside and pack whatever they need to take to school like swimming or gym things. I wake up earlier and do everything so that by the time they get up, I am ready to go.
That’s awesome Kevin. It really is a game changer. Thanks for checking out my post.