10 Tips to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer
Why Keeping Your Kids Entertained Is Important?
Can you believe it’s almost summer? I love the summer because we get to be on own schedule and i take these awesome
family summer field trips. However,summer also causes a bit of anxiousness because you to have which structure keep your sanity. If you would like to know 10 awesome ways to keep your kids entertained during the summer keep reading.
1. Enrolling Your Child In Daycare/Camp
First and foremost enrolling your children camp or daycare.This is extremely beneficial to any parent whether you have a full-time or part time job.As long as your children are in a trusted center. They can spend their summer still thriving and learning with their peers . Additionally, this works well for parents because we have that block of time to ourselves.Our work does not stop being that it is summer. To sum it up this is a win win for parent and child.

Tip: I like to enroll my children in daycare/camp part time during the summer. This way they are able to spend half of the week away in like a schooling area. Than the other half of the week we are doing family things. I like to set up family field trips like Six Flags or something local like going to the park and having a picnic.
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2. Outdoor Activities
Case studies show that it improves a child mental health when they are exposed fresh air and outdoor activities. Furthermore, it just makes a child feel happy.
What Kind Of Activities We Can Do Outside?
There are so many outdoor activities that you can put a learning twist on to it and still keep them entertained through the summer.For example, if you want to have a water balloon throwing contest. You can have each player count as they throw. Once they get to like 10 they switch to the next color of water balloons. I’m sure you can come up with better ideas than that. That was just off the top of my head. 🙂
Related Post: Fun and Frugal Activities For Kids This Summer
Kids playing outside will get all their energy out so they will have an easy time falling asleep at night as well.
Also,some more of my favorite things to do with my little ones in the summer take them for nature walk. I pick a theme like bugs. Than we go outside I will give each of them a clipboard and it will have little pictures of each bug.They will have their marker and they could circle, if they see one of those bugs.
Any safe water games during the summer is so relaxing and suitable.Water is a major key for the summer time (hydration and fun). Keep reading to find out more ways to keep your kids entertained this summer.
3. Visting The Library
The library is a great place no matter season. However, in the summer months it is super cool because school is out. You can catch their story reading time which usually is themed each week for each age group.
The library also holds different age group programs like for stem activities and kids that love art. It is mini educational group sessions where kids can interact with other kids for free.
Related post:
What are stem activities and why each child should do them
Different kinds of stem activities
4. Plan and Schedule Ahead Of Time
Scheduling is a huge portion of keeping your kids entertained through the summer. I know most moms are with me when summer time approaches you can feel those nerves going up. Because we have to figure out what the heck our children are going to do for 2.5 months. (okay you can let out a scream lol)
Now, bring it back down. Just schedule. And I mean like right away. Let me tell you why.
Related Post: Awesome Tips for Surviving Summer From The Behavior Buzz
You don’t want to miss out on great deals that may have a deadline or great local activities.Like myself at times I have heard so many moms say they wished they had did their research and found out that their local community center was having a festival day or that their was a toddler event at their local library.
There are so many activities that I never knew existed until I looked up my local recreation center calendar. The library should have a copy of this too. It should be for all the activities,carnivals, festivals mommy and me classes and all in your area.
Contact your local recreation center or library to get your local recreation calendar on family activities.
5. Donate Items To The Less Fortunate
I love doing this year around with my children.When you child grows out of their clothes or toys give them away.What better way to give back than to see another child get the benefit enjoy something else that once brought joy to your child. To entertain your kiddos and let them feel good about doing it let them pick what they want to give away.
Related Post: Reward Your Kids With These Ideas
A great way to explain to them is that they are doing a great deed and in return they will be rewarded for that. For example, reward your child for their good behavior. I have a large reward jar. I fill it up with a whole bunch of Dollar Store gadgets and toys and candy. Each time my child does good they get to put a good behavior token in their token baggie. On Friday they can redeem their tokens for one or two treats in the bucket depending on how many tokens they have. But no more than two.
Related Post: Awesome Rewards For Good Behavior
6. Scheduling Play Dates
Play dates if your child has somebody that they always talk about through the school year and it is mainly always positive set up summer play dates. Send a contact card and this is really easy to do you can download some free cards here. You can even go the extra mile you can even make a bag of toys (get the dollar store packs of 10). Send it in for the end of the year to each classmate. Your child would have so much fun this summer with their school buddies.
And only put a contact play date card in the bags of the kid your child wants a play date with.Alternatively, you can do the good ole’ send a note in or just plain ole’ social media.
That way your kids won’t loose connection with their buddies during the summer.
Ideas for The Playdates
You all can meet at a mutual place like the park. You could bring the snacks and drinks. (and i meant like Sunkists and water not cocktails) . Than the next play date it will be that parents turn to bring the snacks. However, you all work it out. The kids can play while you and the other mommy have mommy chat.
Speaking of mommy chat time join my mom life Facebook group. It’s a safe haven for everything mommy related oh and its fun and informative join here.
7. Dance To The Music
We love music in my household we have a song for everything. We could break out in a song when we are cooking(I’m helping my mommy cook something yummy)lol. Learn how music could relieve stress in kids.
Music brings out every emotion. Music is the most natural healer. It touches your soul.
What I like to use is Amazon Music Unlimited.They have this cool 30-day free trial you can try out here.
I put Amazon music on because they just have everything. They get their sillies out (dancing-another form of exercise)laugh and play while I am running around the house getting dinner ready or getting myself ready for the day. It’s a great way to keep active kids active while not loosing your mind.
They have back-to-back of their songs anything from Nickelodeon’s JoJo to DJ Khaled to Kidz Bop.
Amazon Unlimited is great because it can be accessed through any device meaning in the car for road trips too.
Get Your 30 Day Free Trial Here
8. Visiting Family
Visit family in the summertime you have more time to enjoy the things that you can’t during the school year. The school year keeps you so busy for both the child. In the summer your schedule is more relaxed. Go see an elder family member or a new baby cousin. Entertain your child by telling a cool story about the person before you go and see them. Then your youngster will be more amazed. Now, visiting family can bore your child. So, I’m not saying drop them off where they don’t know the relative or where they maybe uncomfortable. But just do a drop by together for like an hour. You can go get some ice cream or something afterwards.
9. Make Running Errands Fun
Make running errands fun. Hey we all have had those times where we are just stuck with tagging our kid along with us to a doctor’s appointment or grocery trip run. It happens to the best of us.The other parent is working or whatever may be the case. This is how you get things done like a pro while keeping your child entertained.
Give your child a card or even better a lanyard. If your child behavior was good they earn a star sticker. They can redeem this sticker for a treat or experience stop like the park that day. This will encourage good behavior for future trips.
10. Do Something New
And last but not least do something new. Not only will you be entertaining your kiddos this summer by doing new things your whole family will enjoy the experience. There are so many things that you could do. Make the most out of this: try a new meal, try a new song, go to a new park or library, go to a new store to a new adventure theme park. Make sure to take a lot of pics to put it in a scrapbook to capture the summer and all of its memories that you will make.
Download a summertime calendar here in my free resource library. That will help you stay organized and your plans the summer.
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Okay let’s do a recap because I rambled on a lot and it’s a lot to take in.
1. Sign up for daycare or camp
2. Get out for fresh air and activities check your local activities here
3. Go to the library check your local library for story time time and other activities
4. Schedule and plan activities ahead
5. Donate used but good condition toys to less fortunate
6. Visit family
7. Play dates(Get your play date cards here for free)
8.Music get your 30 day free trial to Amazon music here
9.make errands fun
10. do something new
Have A Great Summer!
Here are summer finds that will make your summer a breeze.
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