How To Find Balance as a Stay at Home Mom
We have all been there. You write down everything that you need to do through the week. But you only completed about two tasks. And you feel like you have completed wasted that time. You was not productive. I should’ve gotten up earlier. I shouldve did this …and that. That’s okay its not easy being a mom. It’s not easy being a stay at home mother. “How To Find Balance as a Stay at Home Mom”
Momma, I Get It
I get it. One of those mom moments of staying up late to do everything you couldn’t do when the kids were up like: laundry, work, and finally catch up on your tv shows. Just to see the late nights that you feel the need to pull, ends up with you having to get up early.

And I mean earlier than the kids so you can get the house together and all before they wake up and you dive right into Mommyville. Yes, momma, I get it. And if you have been a stay at home mom, finding that balance is even more than relevant.
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I have been a stay at home mom off and on through the years so I know the everyday struggle. A lot of people have the image of a stay at home is such an easy job. It’s not!! It’s like you have time but you don’t.

The fact that you are home you have the visual of everything. You will find yourself with a thousand thoughts in your head…” the laundry needs to be done, get up early to fix breakfast and the list goes on.”
Related Post: How To Manage Work at Home and Parenting During the Quarantine
So let’s actually do some groundwork. You know what the problem is. You don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done that you want to get done.
Let’s get some ideas flowing of ideas to help you and I find the balance as a stay at home mom.

Make lists of everything you need to do. I freakin’ love making lists. It just organizes all of my thoughts in my head onto paper. I go the extra mile and write deadlines and goals for certain lists.
I love getting organized so much I made some very cute and very helpful lists for all of my readers.
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Wake Up Earlier
This helps a ton. I actually think that this saves the day entirely. This has saved my mornings.
Related Post: 10 Morning Hacks For A Better Morning Routine
Naps or Quiet Time

I have relied on nap times for my kids since they have been babies. I mean how else could a mom actually accomplish everything without naps.
Everything changed.
My kids didn’t like taking naps anymore. Literally they were getting old and just did not take to naps anymore. So instead of giving up all hope. Do you know what I did? Quiet Time!!!! Yes, how does this work in my home?
My kids being in their rooms like they were napping. But they could watch tv quietly, color, be on their ipads or phones. Whatever that would keep them quiet.
What Do I Like About Quiet Time?
The good thing that I like about quiet time is it can be any time of the time. With nap times I always found myself rushing to get them to bed around noon.
This really sucked ….
So that meant if we had things we were doing that morning, sometimes we went past our nap time slot and that left me without any time to relax or do what I had to do.
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Hang in there. I know it’s hard. But if you truly just make these 3 simple changes you will seriously have more time to yourself to do all that you need to do in a day.
When you stay at home is very hard to keep yourself organized and do all the tasks that you are supposed to do and the reason for that is because psychological you know that you are at home anyway and have plenty of time for everything. Since I started to take my blog seriously, I made a routine to wake up early and I have a very specific list with the things that I need to start my morning. I haven’t got kids and that’s another factor that helps me stay more organized, even so, I’d like to point that a routine, is the key to get things done efficiently.
I agree and waking up so early can definitely help you to be more productive. You have a great plan here.