How To Budget Expenses When You Live Paycheck To Paycheck
Have you ever wished you could go back to your childhood? I’m sure I can’t be the only one that misses the good ole days when bills were not a concern. Like the only thing I was concerned with was having more time to play around with my cousins outside and not going in. Now, adulting kinda sucks. Well, you have to admit is not all glitz and glamour as a younger we dreamed of. And most of it is because of bills and the cost of living. So now that we are back to reality and done going down memory lane. Let’s talk, ‘How To Budget Expenses When You Live Paycheck To Paycheck.’
Why It Is Important To Budget Even When You Are Broke
We have all been there one time or another in life. When we just had enough. Or you just did not have enough at all. You know when you cash your paycheck and have to fork over 95% of your check to rent/mortage,utilities,car payments and so on. Then you have to juggle if you are going to buy extra food in the house or go out for the weekend.
Point blank period you have to change.Like Today
It’s hard to imagine being able to put an extra 50.00 aside each check let alone even 10.00. So I know your thinking ‘ha how in the hell am I going to save from what I have leftover?’
No Worries. I’m going to tell you exactly how you can do this and it so doable.
Okay. let’s go.
#1 Write Out Your Usual Expenses
Once you write out actually what you pay for each check you will be surprised at where you can actually squeeze out some extra money.
If you are the type of person that likes to eat out. Cut it.
If you like to go out several times a month and it costs.Cut it.
And if you loan people money often. Cut it.
Related Post: 7 Tips on saving money on groceries
Yes, that is the only way you can get ahead and fill that piggy bank up. And it’s not that you can’t do the things mentioned above here and there or you can still keep up your normal routine just do it wisely.
In order for you to enjoy the things in life that you love, you need to make sure you can do it freely with no worries. And saving is the key to this.
Instead of going out to a restaurant and taking the tab fully when your out with friends, because it’s your turn. Just do it differently where you’re only responsible for your meal.
If you usually take your kids out to the movies or an arcade some weekends. That’s cool. But before you go search the internet for good deals. Groupon is great for finding deals basically everywhere restaurants, entertainment, spas everywhere.

Change Up Your Spending Style
#2 Track Your New Expenses
After you have written down your usual expenses. Now it is time to write down your plan. Write down all of your bills and there amounts. This will give you an outlook on what you are due to pay.
You can print a Free Expense Tracker Here.
Make sure you do not add any bills that are unneccessary. And that’s like to new tv subscription you ordered lately. Yes, sorry but cancel that and save that each month.

How Can You Budget When You Have No Money
And first let me tell you. Stop kicking yourself. Adulting does suck. But it doesn’t have to be miserable. You are in control of your happiness. You were not put on here just to pay bills and get old. Therefore, I’m going to give you my best advice when you need finacial help.
Maybe those student loans are draining your pockets.
An unexpected car repair.
Kids needed extra things for school or their team.
It’s okay.
So if you don’t have money to save. How about increasing your income?
It’s only TWO options to make budgeting your expenses work.
Decrease Spending or Increase Income.
There are many side hustles you can do that can get you some extra cash in your pocket. And guess what you can not only save….But have more money for extra things that you have wanted to do or buy.
These are a couple side hustles:
- Food Delivery Driver
- Post an ad to do a service on Fiverr
- Sell your unused or old items online at Mecari or other sellers
- Get a part time job
Side Hustles I Did To Make An Extra Income
Are There Any Resources To Help Me To Budget
If you can’t seem to snag one of these oppurtunities or your schedule just does not permit it. I’m going to give you a couple other pointers.
- Call your bill company and ask do they have any programs to help with someone that is struggling with their bills
- Ask the bill company can they put you on a budget plan. Where your monthly bill will be a fraction of what is was. But it will just be spreaded out for an extended period
- Go to your local Department of Social Services and see if they have any programs that will accompany you in your situation
- Call your local Circuit Court office and ask for the clerks office. Ask for the national or local number for the free lawyer hotline. This is a free service where accredited and licensed lawyers give you advice on many different topics: Child custody,child support,landlord/tentant issues,marriages and finanicial assistance like for mortages.
- Look online for local help with finances
- Apply for scholarships. You do not have to be in school for this. They literally have a scholarship for everything. You just have to search and apply. For example: Scholarships for single moms or scholarships for widows. Scholarships for someone with_________(name your talent),Scholarships for someone with____________(name your disability)
Gather It All Together

See are you feeling like you can do this? You honestly can. I believe in you. I know I rambled on a lot but I wanted to make sure I share every piece of information with you that I know regarding finances.
This is what you need to do now:
- Figure out your normal expenses
- Write down your new planned expenses
- Increase your income if you can’t budget *Getting local resources to assist where needed.
I’m glad that you have the tools and the plan to succeed. Thanks for reading and make sure you come back for financial budgeting tips and hacks.
All great tips for staying afloat during those tough times! Great post!
Yes! Thank you, Alisha. Stay safe.