10 Things to Do Before You Leave the Hospital with Newborn
I have given birth three times so I think I know a thing or two or three, about things to do in the hospital after you give birth. Hopefully, you are reading this ahead of time so you can be prepared fully for the birth of your new bundle of joy. If not that’s okay too. I’m just glad you found this page, so you can get some crucial tips that you may have forgotten. ’10 Things To Do Before You Leave The Hospital With Newborn.’
1. Visits

Maybe you have gone over this rule a thousand times with your partner or yourself through your pregnancy. And if you didn’t, now is the time. Once your labor starts you will not be thinking about your perfect birthing plan, that you had in place.
I say perfect because while I’m sure your big day is going to go accordingly. Some things in your birthing plan may not happen. But we will go more into that on the next tip. However, back to the subject of hospital visits. Make sure your nurses know ahead of time who you want to let in the hospital during this time and who is not allowed.
Tip: It would be a major bonus if you inform these people weeks prior to you given birth if you want them there during labor or not. The last thing you want is unwanted text messages, calls, and visits from family and friends that you don’t wish to see during such an intimate time of being in labor.
2. Birthing Plan

Okay, remember how I said earlier your birthing plan may not go your way. Let’s dig into that a little. If you are a first-time mommy, I know first hand you have already outlined how you want your labor to go from A to Z. Let me tell you, things can change. For example, if you don’t want to get an epidural and you want to do things completely natural while birthing, great. But once you’re in labor sometimes the pain is just so unbearable all of the opposing stuff goes out the window.
Related Post: Get a Full Birthing Plan Checklist Packet and More Birthing Plan Ideas and Support
Tip: Make sure you have a talk with your OBGYN to make sure he/she will be delivering your baby and if not who will be delivering your baby. Because sometimes your OBGYN does not always deliver your baby.
One of my kiddos came 2 weeks early and my OBGYN who I loved was on vacation. 🙁 However, the OBGYN that delivered my child worked in the same practice and was great. But just be prepared for things like this.
3. Photos

If you have someone with you during this time, let them be the videographer and photographer. Get all of those cute and not so cute moments. I mean from the time your at the hospital to the time you all go home. Trust me later on when your kiddo gets older you will tell him or her about the day he or she entered the world. Having pics and videos is just a cool bonus visually.
Related Post: 20 Pregnancy Photos You Should Take Before You Give Birth
Tip: Make sure these pictures and videos are not sent to anyone or put on any social media until you approve. Your momma. This is YOUR big day, don’t put your feelings on the back burner during this time. Be vocal about all your needs, wants, and things you oppose to.
Continue Reading For The Complete List of Very Important Things To Do Before You Leave The Hospital With Your Newborn
4. Rest

This is your time to get as much rest as you can. There is no need for you to show that you are supermom. Honey, you’re going to have a lifetime for that. This is your time to rest, seriously. You would have just given birth. After this time I think that you should have just a few minutes ALONE in the room. Just so you can soak it all in.
I remember giving birth to my first child. I never had time to actually have that one on one time with just me and myself. Just my thoughts. I woke up like at 5 am that morning. Like whoah I’m in the hospital. I look over and saw my little tiny baby. I felt like I was dreaming it was a new experience completely. But I will never forget that moment either. I let dad sleep just enjoying my little man and we watched the 5 am news together. And we did that for his first year or two. (Awww)
So yeah, just get some rest. When the nurses take your kiddos to get their testing and take them to the other room with all the other kids, it’s okay to rest. The nurses will be nice enough to take your newborn into the nursery while you get some sleep. You aren’t the only mom that will ask or request for this. So, please do not feel bad. I did not do this as I wanted to be clingy. I had dad to help me with our little ones each time I was in labor.
Hey, mama keep reading your almost to the good stuff. Continue reading the complete list of essential things to do before you leave the hospital with your newborn.
5. Free Supplies

The hospital has a ton and I mean a ton of FREE stuff that they give to moms for their babies. They have a pantry full of items that is regualry restocked. Yes, for your baby shower or on your own you got plenty. However, the hospital has things that you may not have gotten.
- Extra large (Huge) Post-Partum Sanitary Napkins
- Perennial Spray
- Witch Hazel Wipes
- Warm water bottle for vagina area
- Sheer underwear to hold up the large pad
- Baby hats and shirts
- Baby booties
- Lotions, Baby Wash, Baby Basins
- Pampers
- Wipes
- Breastfeeding Care
- Bottle-fed (Tiny 2 oz bottles)
Any other freebies you got from the hospital that you didn’t see on this list? Did you get the same things?
It’s not getting over. You can get these items on your own. However, during your hospital stay these things will be given to you as standard hospital procedures. They usually give your personal items in a hospital named bag. If you do need some more of these items, do not hesistate to let the nurses know.
6. Meals

You should be eating healthy still after you give birth. Especailly, if you are breastfeeding. I know I wanted to gulp down a big ole strawberry Milkshake and Quarter Pounder after I gave birth. Especially, after you can’t eat or drink anything but ice or water during labor. I would say eat what you want but please be mindful your body has been going through a lot of changes, especially this day. Greasy and fatting food would not be ideal. You could have some backlash of an upset stomach and no nutrients to your body or your newborn. Right now your body will still need to have a lot of nutrients put back into it.
7. Discharge

Finally, you are the last but not least of very important things to do before you leave the hospital with your newborn. The day of discharge which is usually 24 hours after you give birth, if you and your newborn are doing okay. The day of discharge you should ask early that morning to start the paperwork. If not it can be hours until you and your little one is discharged.
Last Minute Quick Tips
- You will have to watch a parenting video upon release
- If you are having any postpartum depression feelings make your nurses aware so you can talk to someone.
- Have the nurses to help you with the breastfeeding latching for the first time and many times after
- Make sure the car seat is properly placed in your car. Your local fire/police/health department will happily install it properly for free
Now, you have a complete checklist of all the important do’s and don’ts before you leave the hospital with your newborn.

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