15 Must-Have Postpartum Essentials for Mom
As a mother of three, I know how important it is to have these postpartum essentials just for you. Your body has gone through so many changes within nine months. Now it is time for your body to heal and replenish everything that you may have lost previously. This list will give you the must-have postpartum essentials that you will need.
15 PostPartum Essentials For Moms
If you are a new mom or mom-to-be, looking for a list of items to add to your kit and wondering what you should be prepared with postpartum, look no further. This is my list of 15 must-have postpartum essentials for moms!
Sitz Bath Soak
A sitz bath is a great way to help with postpartum hemorrhage and other issues. It’s also a fantastic way to relax after delivery since you can use it as a means of relieving pressure on your perineum and pelvic floor muscles.
To make your own sitz bath:
- Fill the tub or large bowl with lukewarm water and add Epsom salt (about 1 cup) until the water is at least 4 inches deep.
- Sit down in the tub/bowl and let yourself float, making sure that no part of your body is submerged for too long. You want to stay in there for about 15 minutes—but don’t overdo it! If things start getting too hot or if you feel dizzy at all, get out immediately!
Related Post: C-Section Recovery Time and Tips
Headache Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen is a safe and effective pain reliever for headaches, muscle aches, backaches, and menstrual cramps. Ibuprofen works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and swelling. It also reduces fever and helps you feel better faster.
You can buy ibuprofen in any drug store without a prescription.
Nursing Pads
Nursing pads are a must. Your body will be leaking for a few weeks after birth, so you’ll need something to soak up the extra fluid. You can get disposable nursing pads or reusable ones (the latter are also known as “reusable nursing pads” or “reusable breast pads”). Disposable nursing pads are more convenient, but they’re also wasteful and expensive; reusable nursing pads are cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
Nipple Cream
After your baby is born, you’re going to want to get the best start possible on breastfeeding. Because of this, nipple cream should be considered a must-have for any postpartum essentials list. Nipple cream is extremely helpful in soothing sore nipples and protecting them from further damage.
Nipple cream can be used after every feeding so that you don’t have to worry about pain while trying to breastfeed your newborn. While there are many different brands and types of nipple cream available on the market today, it is important that you choose one that is organic, all-natural, and safe for both yourself and your baby (and a lactation consultant will help you find the right product).
No Puffery Eye Drops

How to use them: After the baby is born, your eyes will be under a lot of stress. While you’re in labor, they may be dry and irritated because of all the tears you’ll shed. Once the baby is born and settled into your arms, it’s common for your vision to blur as fluid drains from your body’s tissues.
To alleviate this discomfort, keep an eye drop bottle handy at all times (or several bottles—you’re going to use them often!). Whether you’re using drops that are prescribed by a doctor or over-the-counter drops from a pharmacy or drugstore, remember that these solutions should only ever be used after cleaning your hands thoroughly with soap and water first.
- What kind? Using saline solution on a regular basis can help prevent eye irritation during postpartum recovery months. However, if there is any discharge coming from either one of your eyes (white or yellow), opt for artificial tears instead since they won’t cause further inflammation like saline solutions might do when applied directly onto an open wound site.* Where do I store them? Make sure that any medication you keep in storage has been refrigerated so as not
Sanitary Pads/Panty Liners
- What are sanitary pads?
Sanitary pads are disposable undergarments typically worn by women to absorb vaginal discharges and protect against odor, leakage, and chafing. They’re also known as sanitary napkins or menstrual pads.
- Why do you need them?
When you give birth, your body will undergo a lot of changes: your vagina needs time to heal after delivery; there’s a lot of blood loss during labor; and it’s very common for mothers to experience postpartum hemorrhage (bleeding after birth). The good news is that most women don’t require any treatment at all—just lots of rest and plenty of fluids. But if you experience heavy bleeding after giving birth (more than what would be considered normal), it’s important that you find out why so that it can be addressed properly. This may involve taking medication such as iron supplements or hormone therapy in order to reduce blood loss during menstruation cycles following childbirth.* How often should one change them?
It depends on how much discharge there is but it usually every 4-6 hours depending on how heavy it is.* What are some types of sanitary pads available commercially?
There are different types available commercially depending on what type works best for each individual.* Is there any difference between using panty liners vs using sanitary pads/pads versus tampons?

Boppy Pillow
A Boppy Pillow is a must-have for any new parent. This versatile pillow can be used to help with breastfeeding, positioning your baby, tummy time, sitting up, and learning to roll over and crawl. And it’s also great for propping up the baby when she’s ready for snuggles!
Looking for other great pillows that are perfect for postpartum moms? Check out this article from BabyCenter: The Best Postpartum Pregnancy Pillow on Amazon (Ranked)
Hot/Cold Packs for Peri Area
Whether you’re experiencing swelling or perineal pain, hot/cold packs are a must-have post-partum item. Hot/cold packs can relieve swelling and help with perineal pain. They can also be used to help with engorgement, mastitis (a breast infection), and clogged milk ducts.
Perineal Sprays (Tucks, Balmex)
Perineal sprays (Tucks, Balmex) are used to help the healing process of your perineum after birth. They’re also good for use after showering and can be applied on your baby’s bottom for diaper rash relief. These helpful products can also be used on nipples when breastfeeding so that you don’t get sore from all the pulling!
Granny Panties (HUGE)
Granny panties are the best kind of underwear. They’re big, covering your entire bum and up your back, but they’re also soft and stretchy and don’t cut into you like most other underwear does. It’s like wearing pajamas all day long!
You can find them at most any store that sells maternity clothes (Target is a good place to start), as well as on Amazon. Generally speaking, they’ll be labeled something like “maternity camisole” or “maternity brief” because they look more like cami tops than actual panties (hence the name). You’ll want to buy two sizes larger than what you normally wear so that they fit properly over those swollen postpartum thighs.
Loose Jammies (Button Up if nursing)
Loose jammies are your friend. If you’re nursing, you will probably want to be able to nurse in the middle of the night without having to get up and change out of your pajamas. It is much easier to do that if your pajamas are loose enough for easy access!
These can be any style or material you like—buttons or zippers won’t make a difference as long as they fit well and are soft and comfortable.

Slippers are a must-have for every new mom. Why? They’re a comfortable and easy way to slip around the house without worrying about getting your feet dirty or slipping on the floor in socks. They’re also great for when you need to take your baby out of the house (or when you have guests who want to see him).
If you’re looking for slippers that are easy to care for, consider ones made from cotton or bamboo fibers. These materials allow air circulation and reduce sweat buildup, which can help prevent bacterial growth that could lead to foot odor problems—and let’s face it: nobody wants smelly feet! You can also get these types of slippers in different sizes so they fit every occasion from morning strolls with the baby (or even lunch deliveries) all the way through postpartum life as well as regular workouts at home once things like showers return back into existence after birth.
A few Soft Breastfeeding Bras
If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need at least 3 nursing bras. The first few weeks are crucial in establishing a good milk supply and getting your baby comfortable with the process of feeding. A soft bra is essential for this time period as it will be more comfortable than most other styles out there.
Nursing bras are much different from regular ones since they have openings where the cups are sewn together and allow room for your breasts to expand when your milk comes in. They also have clips that allow easy access to breastfeeding on demand without having to remove all of your clothes before feeding!
If you’re getting ready for your baby’s arrival or already had one, here are some tips on how to choose the best nursing bra:
Water Bottle + Straw! (Stay Hydrated!!)

One of the best ways to stay hydrated is by drinking water throughout the day. It’s important for your body to stay hydrated, but you also need to make sure that you’re not drinking too much water and getting water intoxication or hyponatremia. Here are some tips:
- Drink 2 cups (473 ml) of fluid every day if you are active and 4 cups (946 ml) if you are inactive, even if you don’t feel thirsty!
- Keep a glass of water near your bed at night so that when you wake up in the middle of the night, it’s there for immediate use.
- Foods that contain high amounts of salt help with thirst by increasing blood volume which allows more water retention within cells. Examples include Greek yogurt with fresh berries and fruit leather made from a combination of fruits like apple slices with mangoes or kiwis mixed together into one delicious treat.”
Shapewear (Compression Garments)

Shapewear is a great way to smooth out your postpartum belly and get back into pre-baby shape. But it’s important to choose the right kind of shapewear for your body type, as well as your stage in recovery.
What kind of shapewear should you wear after delivery?
The best shapewear for postpartum use is compression garments that offer compression over a broad area — usually the waist, abdomen, and hips — rather than just one area at a time. Some brands offer both compression and control; others offer only control. Control garments are designed to slim and sculpt your silhouette; they don’t necessarily provide support or help you lose weight.
Compression garments are typically made from nylon or spandex material that provides firm support without being constrictive. Compression garments work by gently squeezing the fat cells beneath your skin so that they can’t expand, according to an article published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology (2016).
When should I start wearing shapewear after childbirth?
You may consider wearing shapewear as soon as possible after giving birth if you want to speed up recovery from a C-section or any other surgery related to delivery.
If you are having a c-section or would like to be prepared if the event may occur check out this list of postpartum essentials for c-section recovery.
So there you have it, my list of must-have postpartum essentials for moms. I hope this has been helpful in giving you some ideas on what to add to your kit. If not, check out our other blog posts about all things for moms! Thanks for reading, and Congratulations!