Are You Sharing Too Much Of Your Child Online?
I was watching one of my favorite Daytime tv shows The Real, Shoutout to “The Real’!
And during the Girl Chat session which was called “Shareington’ which aired on December 21st,2021. You can check it on their Youtube channel if you missed the segment.
According to NYTimes, it could make your child grow up feeling embarrassed and ashamed. They were discussing if you are sharing too much of your child on social media. Are you sharing too many personal photos or too much information? “Are you sharing too much of your child online?’
My Personal Take
I feel the same way. On my personal blog, I do not have any photos of my children. However, to let you all know about me and relate to me. I do share some details like that I am a mother of three. I may share some stories here and there. I only keep their information private to personal or select areas. Mainly for safety but also because I feel they are human beings as well. They do not give me permission to post their personal crying pictures online or personal stories.

Personal Pictures
I can’t understand why parents take pictures of their children using the bathroom or in the bathtub in post them. Even if you blur the body images out. It’s still giving a pervert the imagery of their body parts. And to the people that say stop sexualizing an innocent picture. No, we are not, however, there are creeps out there who sexualize images just like the ones you post. And people that are against people posting those pictures are just trying to create a safety net against child predators.
Here’s a personal story. So a while back there was a local news article about an assistant teacher that was arrested for child pornography and assault. A co-worker of mine and I was talking about it and she was like she could not believe this teacher did this but she did have her suspicions due to some of his actions in the past.

She knew him on a personal level, they went to school together. She literally said she was freaked out because she would share funny pictures ALL THE TIME of her kids and they be halfway dressed like in the tub and stuff and she wouldn’t think anything of it. Because everyone on her friend’s list trusted it was only her family and trusted friends. The verdict is the teacher was found guilty he worked at a freaking elementary school. But they had loads of evidence on him contacting an underage girl and so on. Everything that glitters isn’t gold.
Related Post: Pedophiles are using these hashtags to find kids pictures
If we had social media growing up would we want those embarrassing pictures in the photo album plastered online today? Exactly!
Related Post: This mom posted an embarrassing pic to punish her

Don’t Discipline Online
If your child does something wrong, do not post this lesson online. It is quite embarrassing and shameful. For you to get the brownie points and your child to get a village of more people to shove the punishment to do.
What do you think? What do you think is too much sharing of your kids on social media? Think each time…Am I am sharing too much of my child online?
Let me know in the comment section below.