7 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Expierence
Being pregnant is a whole vibe. And that vibe can be good or bad. You just have those days where you just aren’t feeling it. And other days you just want to embrace your mom belly and all that comes with it. But I have to say once your not pregnant anymore a lot of women actually miss being pregnant. (Yup me too)
So make sure you make the best of it and do these 7 Fun Things While You Are Expecting.
1. Splurge on Your Fav Dessert
On the norm, you may want to watch your figure more. And yes you still should eat as healthy as you can during your pregnancy. But hey your eating for two right? Use that phrase now. It’s cute and you can actually use this and pull it off.
P.s. Don’t go overboard like an everyday thing. The weight will be harder to come off and it will pack more weight on your little one which can mean a harder labor and delivery.
2. Use The Pregnancy Sympathy Card
HAHA! I saw this on another blog and thought hmm that’s cute and funny. But you know like going to the movies, cutting in line, being able to get the last snack….because everyone has sympathy for the pregnant lady.

3. Belly Mask
This is not only something that can be a bonding moment for you and your partner and or kids but you can keep it for forever.
4. Sleep All Day
OMG I remember the last couple weeks before my first son was born. As soon as his dad would go to work I would crawl right back in bed and sleep most of the day and watch All My Children. (OMG i miss the sleep and the soap opera lol)
So one of those mornings I got up to fix my tv and my water broke two weeks before my due date. And right before my morning nap. Dude naps never been the same lol.
Get your naps in now.
5. Get A Massage
Make sure you get the okay with approved massages from your doctor. And go splurge on a lavish massage. I would get one during and after your pregnancy. Like two months after. You would feel so much better.
6. Get Sexy
You can still be sexy momma. See how these mommas found ways to look classy and sexy during pregnancy. It can be just something from a new hairstyle to maybe just getting a new Victoria’s Secret Bra.
(P.s. I use to work at Victoria’s Secret in a mall when I was about 19)
Related Post: Take these maternity photos during any trimester
7. Give Two Craps
Your carrying a whole human that’s developing everyday. You have every right to protect your peace at all cost and not give two craps. Be nice though. But don’t let someone overburden you. Love yourself and your little bundle that’s baking
What are you going to do while your pregnant or what do you want to do?
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