Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Printable Download
What better way to do something fun with your kids and learn at the same time. This outdoor scavenger hunt will be perfect on a sunny day, when your little ones start the ‘I’m bored’.
Grab this printable by clicking here. Once you have printed this printable you can attach it to a clipboard and grab a pencil and start finding things that start with the letters that is on the alphabet.
How To Use This Printable?
For example, each letter of the alphabet is listed on the scavengar hunt printable. So for the letter A. Help your toddler look for something that starts with the letter A. One of the perfect things is an acorn. To keep you and your little one safe during the scavengar hunt it’s good to just look not touch.

Proceed to scroll for your free outdoor scavenger hunt printable
Outdoors can be pretty. But also pretty darn dangerous. If you don’t find harmless objects outside. A fun twist is to bring a basket or bucket and put the items in the bucket or basket as your child finds them. You can bring it in to look at all the objects after you find everything. If you can not find anything for all the letters of the alphabet. You can help your little one to think of something that starts with the letter you are looking for. Or you can just point. For example, S for the sky. You can’t put the sky in the bucket or basket. So writing it in will just do.
Have fun with this printable.
If you haven’t printed it yet, you can print it off below.
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Click the button below for your free outdoor scavenger hunt pdf printable

How To Download This PDF File?
Once you click the link above to download, you will be directly taken to a Google Drive file. Inside your file will be your pdf printable. Save the file. Open the file. Print the file. When printing click “fit to printable area” so it can fit perfectly on paper size.
If you are having any trouble downloading the file. Use a different internet browser. Any printable that comes from All Modern Mommy is not to be used for commercial use. You are not able to use any of these printables to sell or give away on your site. They are only for personal use. Such as using it for your personal household. Teachers can use multiple copies to distribute to their class.