5 Steps To Potty Train a Boy in 3 Days- Download Free Reward Chart
Are you looking to potty train a boy? It can be very challenging. And more than frustrating for not only you but your little boy. These steps are proven to be effective as I have used these 5 steps to potty train a boy with my own 2 boys. Are you ready? 1,2, 3 Let’s Go!
1.Be Prepared
This step is very important. Just not for you but again for your little boy. Of course, you all are a team. You all are a team and in this together. Let your toddler know that. First, make your toddler know of this fun adventure. Do let him know that this may be hard, but he can do. Furthermore, reinforce to your little guy that you are always there to help.
What Should I Be Prepared For?
- It will be challenging
- DO NOT let your frustration show when he has accidents (It’s discouraging)
- He will have accidents
- Bring extra clothes when needed
- This is a fast training, but not overnight
How Should My Little One Be Prepared?
- I am a big boy and this is a part of being a big boy
- I can ask for help when needed
- Nobody touches my private areas unless mom and dad when helping to clean me
- I aim for the pot, not the floor
What Do I Need Before We Start?
- Fun Potty Training Videos
- Reward Chart and Stickers (Positive Reinforcements)
- Your Little Boy Choice of Big Boy Underwear
- Little Boy Pull-Ups
- Little Boy Pot
Scroll to the bottom of the page for your FREE REWARD POTTY TRAINING PDF for your little boy
Now, That You are Prepared Let’s Hop Into The List: How To Potty Train a Boy

2. Underwear In The Day
This will be the hard part. The feel of the underwear will be different than the pamper. The pamper has given your baby (well, big boy 🙂 ) a sense of comfort since birth. He knew if I have to go to the bathroom this is where I go.
If you have followed the first step in preparing him, with fun videos and what to expect and the reward that he will get if he does a good job. He will know what to do and what he will get if he does a good job.
Day One, let your little boy put on his big boy underwear.
Explain, You are a big boy. Today you are to start the next part of being a big boy. This is the first step, wearing underwear. Excite him with whatever superhero or cartoon undies he has chosen. Let him know if he has to use the bathroom to let you know or his daycare provider. It doesn’t matter if he thinks an adult is busy, STILL SAY OR GIVE A SIGN I HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM.
This whole 5 steps should be done daily until your little one has success with potty training. This can also be for a girl. Being that it is said to be that boys are harder to potty train this 5 step process is for boys. However, it can be used for girls as well. If you are training your daughter. Use the exact same steps.
So, let’s recap this step:
- Underwear on
- Make him so happy and make him feel brave and proud
- Let him know to make an adult aware when he has to go
- Ask every 30 mins if he has to go to the bathroom( this step may annoy you and him, but it is making him aware hey if I have to go to the bathroom I have on undies not a pamper). Tip: Take him to the bathroom every 30 minutes if he can not talk.
Should I Make Him Sit On The Pot?
NO!! I have seen this so many times. If he can not go. He can not go. It will drain the fun out of going to the bathroom and make things worse. Just encourage going every 30 minutes.
3. Pull-Ups at Night
Pull-ups at night only. Not Naps. This is because naps are a shorter time period than sleeping at night. Meaning you have a better chance of your little one not peeing during naptime vs. at night when he is sleep 4 hours or more, before his first wake up at night.
Now, you can put pull-ups on during nap. But it will just take this Potty Training out to about a week. This step is on your call and your comfort level.
But, remember all good things come from people that step out of their comfort zones.
3. Stay Consistent
Next, this step is for an every day, every hour thing.
Stay consistent with the praising, the rewards (stickers) and asking or taking your little one to the bathroom every 30mins.
4. Reward
Once your child goes to the bathroom or even attempts, give a sticker. You know like the saying goes you get an A for effort or however it goes. Lol. This step is not only effective but can not and should not be skipped.
Now, once you keep rewarding your child and reminding him about his reward, this will make him know if I do this I get that.

Everyday reward with stickers. For the first time, he makes his first tinkle or number 2 give a big reward and praise. For example, a trip to get some ice cream. Always reward with hugs, praises, and love. The other stuff is just sprinkles on top.
Here is a free chart that I made for you. Print this out for free. Laminate it and put it by his pot.

Finally, If you have done all of these four steps you will be ready for success.
- Prepare mentally and with products
- Undies in the day
- Pull-Ups at night
- Stay Consistent
- Reward
Hi-Five little man you did it!