5 Signs Your Child Is Ready to Potty Train
Are you wondering if your child is ready to potty train? If your toddler is making more than 3 of these signs this is a sign that your toddler is ready to potty train. Let’s get into it,’5 Signs Your Child Is Ready To Potty Train.’
1. Tugging at Soiled Diaper

This is a sign that your toddler is not comfortable with his or her diaper being wet or dirty. Your little one has been in a pamper since day one. This has given him/her a sense of comfort knowing I can go to the bathroom here.
When they are babies they will cry after the pamper has been soiled for a long period of time. Once your baby hits about 10 months, they are more self-aware and will not like to stay in a soiled diaper as long as they did when they were little. This is one of the first signs of your child being given a sign he/she is ready to potty train.
Note: I’m not saying it is okay to let your toddler stay in a soiled diaper for an extended period of time. For instance, if you are on a long car trip or during nap time. Examples such as those.
Carry on 🙂
2. Staying Dry Longer

If your child is less wet throughout the day, yay! Do make sure that this is not because your child is lacking enough fluids or other health issues. If you are concerned you should speak to your child’s primary physician.
However, for instance, if your toddler wakes up from his or her sleep to pee or because their diaper is soiled. This is a clue that your child is transitioning into being ready to potty train.
Continue reading …Signs Your Child Is Ready To Potty Train
3. Hiding

Your little one may go and hide in a corner when going to the bathroom. (In their diaper hopefully 🙂 ) When you take notice of this new thing that they are doing. Use this as a good sign that your child is ready to potty train.
4. Copycat

Are you noticing that your toddler is trying to copycat you going to the bathroom? This is a very important step. Even if your baby is not copycatting this step. Encourage them to use the bathroom by getting a toddler seat. Sitting in the hallway outside the bathroom. For privacy for you both. However, you both can still see each other.
5. Saying I Have To Pee

And Finally, If your little toddler is telling you either by talking or giving you clues that they have to use the bathroom. Take heed to this. Do not let that opportunity miss you, by not encouraging it. This is actually letting you know that your child is ready to potty train.
Now, If you even went to research if my toddler is ready to potty train or anything related to potty training, YOUR CHILD IS PROBABLY READY TO POTTY TRAIN.
Do you know what you should do next? Read this post I wrote on 5 Steps to Potty Train Your Toddler In 3 Days(Download The Free PDF REWARD CHART) as well.
Congrats to you and your little one!
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