10 Books to Read to Your Child Before Bed
It’s one of the most soothing and memorable moments, when you are reading to your baby at the end of the night.According to Healthline, reading to your child at any age promotes brain development, amongst other positive influences.
*Keep scrolling to the bottom for the list of 10 books to read to your child before bed. If you do not wish to read the whole article.
The Benefits of Reading to Your Baby?
There are many benefical aspects of reading books to your child at an early age. Besides the academic benefits, there are many physcological affects as well.
Early Learning-
At the newborn stage, even hearing a few words and phrases can promote brain development. Your child will have a better chance of making the milestones,set for his/her age. And when he/she enters primary school, they will be well prepared and ready. This will take pressure off of your child to catch up during the year, and pressure off of you and your teacher as well.
Cognitive and Lanuage Development-
In a 2013 study that was done on infants showed that they later scored higher on lanuage and cognitive testing. Thus the children that was not use to having a normal bedtime or reading routine.
Reading a night time book can easily comfort him/her. When bedtime can seem be a bit scary.
This goes off of the emotional support. When you read to your litte one, you will be able to let him know they are comfoted by the reading session. A reading session is something intimate, you are taking your time out, to sit down and spend one on one time with, your child.
Reading can help transition your child from your bed to their bed, with less of a fuss. The book can be read in their bedroom or by their bed.
Here are some items that will help make that transition easier for you and your little one:
Baby Monitor for Kids Room
Bedroom Window Lock
Rocking Chair
Stars Projector
Night Light /White Noise Combo
10 Books to Read to Your Baby for Bedtime
As mentioned above these books are geared to increase your child’s brain development. I will give a quick overview of each book and only list the books that I feel had positive enough ratings for children in each group.
1. 365 Stories and Rhymes
This book is beautifully illustrated. It has over 50 classic fairy tales to share with your child. Enjoy new adventures and rhymes at bedtime!
2. I Love You To The Moon and Back
This book is becoming a new classic. It is a short but heartfelt book of all the ways a parent bear and cub show the way they love each other. This is a great way to get snuggly with their favorite blanket. Lower your voice., dim the lights, rock in your chair for smaller babies or sit beside your older child bed.
3.The Very Hungry Catepetelliar
This beloved children’s book is a classic. If you have not read this in school, I’m sure you know someone who’s teacher or librian pulled this one out. It is about the transformation of a very hungry catepetelliar. This book is at a lengthier read for smaller children, that may irratiable. The read can be about 10 mins long.
4. Cordouroy
This is my favorite children’s book. And I found out from my mother, this use to be her favorite children’s book as well. And I was surprised to see my daughter come home from school one day, with this book checked out. This book is a generational classic, not just in my family. But I’m sure in other’s as well. It is a cozy classic tale of a teddy bear in a mall who wants to be picked by a girl, but he lost his button. So he goes on a late night adventure to find it.
5. The Wonderful Things You Will Be
This is a beautifully illustrated book, with soft pastled colors.
6. Dream Animals
Dream of the animals that can take you on enchanting adventures.
7. The Little Book of Bedtime
This is a warm book to add to your bedtime routine.
8. Big Kid Bed
This is a great book to encourage older children, to transition into their big kid bed.
9. Goodnight Little Turtle
This colorful book will help your child calm down.
10. The Little Monkey Who Wouldn’t Go To Sleep
If you have a restless kiddo, this book is perfect.

These sound like some great books. The Very Hungry Caterpillar was always a favorite of mine.
We used to love reading the very hungry caterpillar when my kids were little.